Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 4th in San Diego

Today is my anniversary - Happy Anniversary my darling Frank. It is not my wedding anniversary, but the anniversary of the day Frank asked me to be his wife...and where am I? I am in San Diego - attending the NEA-RA. Today - July 4th a day of bbq's, picnics, and fireworks, I am sitting in the Assembly Hall discussing the health and welfare of the nations children and public education - so here I am. Today's picture is of my sweet friend Sarah Hoene. She is saying the pledge. Sarah is a librarian and just as sweet as they come....Even with that..I am reminded that once upon a time - Still Magnolias hosted "Thunder on the Hooch," a big 4th of July celebration in Phenix City/Colmbus. We were the headliners. Frank and I had been apart for a month. I didn't think I wanted to be married again, so I had pushed Frank away. he was with me at "Thunder...", because we were going to Pensacola for a friend's 50th birthday party. At the end of the concert - as I sang "God Bless the USA," I looked for Frank and he was not in his seat. I was livid. I figured he was grabbing a smoke I hit my last note - I turned and there he was...on one knee...and he asked me to marry him and put his mothers ring on my finger....of course I said yes! We married that next January but tonight he will be with Mary and Bill at a Bar B Que. I will be eating BBQ at Kansas City BBQ (where the Top Gun bar scene was filmed)...with Johnny, Johnnie, Marian and Marvin. I hope we end early today. Happy 4th!
P.S. No BBQ at Kansas City BBQ tonight. WE had to park 30 minutes away, wait an hour to be seated and then would have had to wait and hour for the food after being seated. I walked back and go the car and we went to Phils....not was no longer there....burned down!...we ended up at T.G.I. Fridays....I had a salad and tomato basil soup...far cry from BBQ. Sigh!...maybe tomorrow night! Can't wait to be back in the South...that is for sure!

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