Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I Met Henry VIII

Can I start off by saying that my Mom rocks?

I mean, you know someone loves you if they iron your clothes:

I don't iron. I've never ironed a day in my life. This means that I've probably walked out of the house wearing wrinkly clothes on more than one occasion. I suppose I could wear a sign around my neck that reads: Please excuse the wrinkles. I don't iron.

Speaking of my Mom, she loves bugs. She'll scoop basically anything up. Even spiders. I really don't know what happened to me. She doesn't know what happened to me. When she watches me shriek when I spot a bee she'll be all, "What happened to you? I never raised you to be afraid of bugs!" Then she'll give me a lecture on how bees are GOOD because they POLLUNATE and I'm all, "That's great, but they also sting and make me cry.."

She found this thing one night and brought it in to share:

That would be a giant beetle. She was all, "Now don't scream," before showing me. I think I settled for an ew.

My Mom rocks because she also took me to The Melting Pot which is one of my favorite places to eat.

It's fondue. Everyone loves fondue.

Well, except my weird husband.

But whatever, we left him at home with the kids because The Melting Pot really isn't a kid friendly place what with the burner in the middle of the table.

Here is Mom pulling back her skin because she wants a face lift. We're hoping that Extreme Makeover contacts us for a mother/daughter makeover one day. We'd love some free veneers.

Here I am looking like a giant nerd. I swear I put on some makeup but it just melted off.

I think it would be hard working at The Melting Pot. Because you have to actually converse with the customers. Like when our waiter came to make us our cheese fondue he had to ask us what we did and all of that because otherwise there would just be silence as he mixed up the fondue and that would be weird.

The cheese fondue was amazing.

Here is Mom enjoying the cheese fondue:

As good as the cheese is my favorite part is the dessert.

The chocolate fondue.

We always get the Ying and Yang which is the dark and white chocolate mixed together. That way we can pretend that we're eating healthy since dark chocolate is good for you.

Looking at this makes me realize that I WANT MORE CHOCOLATE FONDUE!

This is the stuff that you get to dip into it.

Bottom line? Go to The Melting Pot.

Oh, and my Dad rocks too by the way. He lets the kids climb on him:

I mean, that can't be totally comfortable..

Okay, I'm moving on from cheese and chocolate to a totally different set of pictures because I realize I still have tons to share.

The following is from when we went to the wax museum:

Tommy hanging out with Batman. Doesn't he look thrilled?

Hanging out with Dr. Phil. He was lecturing me on not eating healthy. You know, I almost went on the Dr. Phil show years ago. When Tom and I were first married I was so frustrated with how messy he was and how he'd just go out and buy a lot of stuff that we couldn't afford so I ranted to Dr. Phil in a letter. I didn't realize that he'd actually CALL. Well, he didn't call. The producer did. She was all, "Would you like to be on the show? We got your letter..." Oops. Needless to say, Tom say no way, he wasn't going on television so I declined. Things did get better thank goodness. Now if we fight he'll sometimes go, "Are you going to go crying to Dr. Phil?"

Tom's World War 2 detector went off and he found this.

One of Tom's heroes is Rocky. I think I could take him. I can be quite fast.

Can someone tell me what this is? This is sort of how I look when I first wake up.

Hanging out with my favorite King. I actually stepped up and was pretending I was Anne Boleyn about to be beheaded and I was calling Henry an ass (even though the real Anne Boleyn was gracious and never uttered a bad word about Henry before her head was taken from her) and as I was hunched over a worker was all, "Oh, you can't step up, you have to get down!" "But I'm Anne Boleyn!" I argued. She didn't care.

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