Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Teachable Tuesday Moment

According to Stephen Brookfield, "We teach what we like to learn and the reason many people go into teaching is vicariously to reexperience the primary joy experienced the first time they learned something they loved."

I have to agree with Brookfield. I am a prime example that God has a sense of humor. I hated high school....and where do I go every day....you guessed it...to high school. I did not experience the primary joy of learning something I loved until college....but when I did...it made such a difference in my life that I knew right then and there....that I had to share it with high schoolers. You see, high school should have been a time of wonderment for me...but it wasn't...so I want to change that in the minds of my own students. I want them to remember things from high school fondly...and thoroughly. I don't just teach by the book....I am a firm believer that life lessons are the greatest tool there can be. I am a storyteller by nature. I love weaving a good tale together and capturing an audiences attention....and holding it in the palm of my hand. I am a stand up comedian at times....my kids love my antics....these are the things they will remember long after conjugating Spanish verbs has faded. My job as a teacher is to give my students wings...so they can fly...and give them delight in learning. I too want to reexperience the primary joy...every single day....I teach what I love....I teach kids....and I am blessed.

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