Sunday, May 17, 2009

Summer Preparation and Giveaways

Wow....I have one more week until summer. I can't believe it is finally here. Summer to me is better than lasts longer. I had a parent tell me last week at a bridal shower....that teachers make way too much money for what little time they work...and in her opinion had a high opinion of themselves...I almost choked on the finger sandwich I was chewing...number one. I get paid a salary. I chose many years have that said salary divided up into 12 monthly installments so I could keep my insurance benefits in tact....and number two...where did she get off telling me I made too much money for what little time I work....she is a nurse...who works on seven and off seven....and makes way more money than I do...with a bachelor's degree in my master's in education.....and do that on and seven ummmmm....let me figure this out....6 months! I steamed on that one for a few days....and then remembered....summer is just around the corner...and then...this morning I got up and found my good teacher buddy Trina has a give away going...whooo hooo I thought....a candle called Butt something....interesting...she swears it smells like coconuts....and a great read....coozies....all I need for a day at someone's pool....or someone's lake house.....or if worse comes to back yard with the sprinkler on. All that will matter that school is out....all my tests are graded....all the projects are finished....and I can start going to the school a couple of days a week later...August will be here soon enough....but for right now...let me just bask in the face that it is summer...the sun is going to come out...I am going to get in it....and on Thursdays....I am going to be a frugal fashionista and I am going to post Thrifty Thursdays for my friend Leigh....I am going Thrift store shopping with Mary...I am going to travel a bit with my buddies...I am going to write a few songs....I am going to sing a bit...but most of all I am going to that when August gets here...I will be ready to go again. Have a great weekend to all. Don't forget to enter Trina's giveaway. Oh...and tell her Karen sent you.

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