Today I sat in a doctor's office at the Cancer Center with my parents and heard the big C used. I felt my knees become jelly. I wanted to do like I did as a child and hold my hands over my ears and hum loudly....til the doctor talking was quiet....but that did not happen. Instead I found myself writing down everything he said so I would know. I had to know. My father has cancer! He has a tumor on his right lung. They are going to put gold markers (fiducial markers) in his lung so they can track the mass. He will be going through chemotherapy and radiation for at least five weeks. We have done the radiation thing before when he had prostate cancer three years ago....It was not a big deal....the worst thing that happened....was he looked like he had been laying in the sun tooooo long. I mixed up a special lotion concoction to make the skin not itch as much. It worked....prostate cancer was a breeze. This round involves the other word....chemo. That word sends chills up and down my spine. Chemo....loss of hair, loss of appetite, loss of energy. Chemo....the big green monster....the cancer killer. I have to admit....it saddens me that my father has to do this....I am lucky though that he has such a good doctor....and has such a strong walk with God. He has the Great Physician....and a great physician....on his side. What more can I ask for? I sit here at my computer right now and know that whatever the outcome of this God will be with us all as we face this challenge. I am proud of myself at the moment. I just talked with my daughter about my dad's appointment....and neither of us cried like banshees......I am so glad to have such a great shoulder to lean on. Thank you God for your blessings on me......and bless you all today!
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