What a week I have had. This was the week for the annual girls trip and this year was Niagara Falls. I have shared some of the shots from our adventure on my post today and I have not been home long so that is why I am so late today. I hope you will check back and see more about our trip. Sara is our hostess and if you want to see some more amazing pictures click here and see everyone elses stuff.
Sunday, June 10th
We started a new Bible Study at church tonight and I am loving it. It is called a Disciple's Path. I have missed being part of a Bible Study and this is a six week course so it should be a blessing.
Monday, June 11th
Frank and I went by Mr. Larry's and Mrs. Betty Jean's this morning to grab some shots of her plants that were blooming. The two hibiscus are her pride and joys and huge. The beans and tomatoes in Mr. Larry's garden were an added plus. I love her yard. There is always something blooming.
Tuesday, June 12th
My cute new little flower shop bird house I bought down at Snip and Stitch. I love it and could not wait to get home and get it up. I bought a chime too but have to do a little addition work to it before I hang it. I can't wait to show it off.
Wednesday, June 13th
My little bucket garden is not yielding a bunch. The peppers Mr. Louis gave Frank are really putting out....my squash and the tomato...not so much.
Thursday, June 14th - KLAMS 2012 - Day 1
Today began the KLAMS 2012 trip. This year we are headed to Niagara Falls - Canadian side. We will be flying out of Atlanta and landing in Buffalo, NY!
The girls are holding up a picture of my friend Mary.....we are taking Flat Mary with us...because this Niagara trip was something she always wanted to do. Susan, Amanda and Linda at the Atlanta airport. We will meet Melissa, our other teammate in Buffalo shortly. Once we get there we will be hitting the ground running.
We ate lunch at a great place in Buffalo before crossing the border into Canada. It was a brewery and the ceiling fans were run by pullies.
Talk about a room with a view. Believe me we had one. This shot was made from the 29th floor of the hotel....right out our window! The big boom you see is the preparation for Nik Wallenda's walk that will happen on Friday. Wow!...and we did not even plan for that when we booked our trip back in February. This is Horseshoe Falls. Wallenda will walk from the American side to the Canadian side.
Friday, June 15th
Breakfast at the hotel with our new friend, Mark who was just a peach of a guy. We have a lot to do today...we are going to Niagara on the Lake and St.Catherines on the wine tour and have to be back in time to see Nik walk the falls.
Saturday, June 16th- Mary's Birthday - Toronto
We spent the day in Toronto with flat Mary. Took the big red bus to tour the city and had a wonderful time. We returned to our hotel late, packed up, and got ready to hit the road to the airport in the morning and head home. I will be catching up on posts with a travel weblog for each day we were gone with more pictures....if you are interested. Just check back after tomorrow. Internet was not my friend in Canada and really messed up my plans to blog each day about the trip. I ended up having to do it the old fashioned way....written. Hope your week was as good as mine.
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