Sunday, January 1, 2012

Project 365 - Week 52b

This is the final 2011 Project 365.  Tomorrow will be the beginning of a whole new year and I am delighted to say that Sara is going to continue for 2012 hosting Project 365.  I am so excited.  I have enjoyed documenting my life's events this year.  I hope you will head over to Sara's and check out everyone's last entry for this year and come back and join us next year.  You don't have to have a fancy camera....a camera on your phone will is just a way to know what you did....every week....every day....for a solid year.  

Sunday, December 25th

We had church only this morning.  Frank read the Christmas story to the congregation and it was such a sweet service.  Kat and Brian joined us for a late lunch and we played Apples to Apples.  They headed home about 6:30.  It rained pretty much all day.  

Monday, December 26th

We are leaving tomorrow for Gatlinburg and Winter Extreme with our youth.  I made Chex Mix for each car to have to snack on while in route....going and coming.

Tuesday, December 27th

First night of Winter Extreme.  I was sick as a dog and spent my first night in bed.  The kids had a ball listening to the house band, Unhindered....Toby Mac.....and others.  They were not impressed with Red.

Wednesday, December 28th

Winter Extreme Day 2.  Dave Edwards spoke.  He was a funny man with a serious message.  The kids had fun at the morning session....and then we went to Pidgeon Forge to shop and eat.  After shopping we went back to the room to wind down before the night session.  I stayed behind with one of our youth who has terrible migraines.

Thursday, December 29th
Morning has broken in the mountains at the Smokey Shadow Motel.

Our group at the end of the morning session.

Some of our kids at the concert on Thursday.
Another one of Frank's creations.  The last of my Christmas gifts.  He gave it to me on Thursday night after we got home.  Is it not gorgeous.

Friday, December 30th

Friday night we went to Cracker Barrel in LaGrange with some of our church members.  Mr. Larry was finally feeling good enough to ride that far.  It was such a fun evening.  These are some of the sweetest people ever.  I wish you could all know them.  There are others too I'd love for you to meet.  Rock Mills is a wonderful place to live, raise kids, and can bet on that!

Saturday, December 31st
What was once the world's largest office chair at Miller's Office Supply in Anniston, AL.  We went there today to go to a thrift store and Marcie took me by so I could get this shot.  Happy New Year to you all....and I will be back again next year.  See you then.

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