Monday, January 2, 2012

New Years Poppers

The kids had fun with their poppers on New Years Eve.

And then I sent them to bed at their regular time.

Was that mean of me? I kept hearing how parents were letting their kids stay up and the thought of having mine around me for an added couple of hours made me cringe. Perhaps if Tom had been home I’d have allowed it since they seem to listen to him more than me. As it was, he had to work and I wanted to be able to watch television in peace.

Natalie was ready to go to bed anyway. She had thrown a gigantic fit earlier when I put all the Christmas decorations away.

“I love him!” she yelped, gripping onto the Christmas bear. “I love these!” She ran a hand dramatically over the pile of Christmas books.

“You’ll see them all next year,” I promised. Do you know how hard it is putting things away when a child is attached to them? I eventually was able to distract her with Swiss Roll cakes. While she munched on those, I finished putting everything away.

I did not drink alcohol on New Years Eve. No, instead I sipped on the slushie that Tom dropped off because I’m basically like a ten-year-old.

When midnight rolled around I did not get a kiss because Tom was at work and was arresting someone at that very moment...

...which is why he came into the house at 1220 and there we shared a late New Years kiss.

So how was your New Years?

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