“What is it?” I asked Tom over Skype.
“You have to wait until Christmas,” he answered.
“But,” I complained. “I’m not sure I can.” I am not a patient person when it comes to presents.
“You can wait,” Tom said. “Put the box down and just forget about it until Christmas.”
I shot him a Look. How did he expect me to forget about a present? Was he insane? Did he know me at all?!
“Oh fine,” Tom relented. “You can open it.”
Did I hear him right? Did he say I could—I immediately started opening the box before he changed his mind.
I found this.
“It’s beautiful,” I breathed, running my hand over the smooth service.
It took me a few minutes to figure out how to open the thing.
“Where’s the hole?” I grumbled, but then I brightened. “That what he said!”
Tom rolled his eyes. “You’re a nerd.” He explained how to open it and when I did, I found this:
“You wrote me a letter,” I said, surprised. I picked up the piece of paper. It wasn’t just a short letter either. Tom’s familiar penmanship stared back up at me and I started to read.
“So do you like—” Tom began.
I lifted up a finger. “Shh. I’m reading what you wrote.”
A few minutes later I looked at Tom, with tears in my eyes. “It was very sweet. Thank you. I love when you show your sweet side. Doesn’t it feel great?”
Tom made a face and scratched an inappropriate part of his body.
Here’s part of the letter...
I love you more than any words could ever describe…..you are my beautiful wife. It has been 9 years now that we have been married…and I have loved you every day for those 9 years. I can never thank you enough for the sacrifices you have made in support of my job…the two birds on the boxes are you and me, always faithful and together. I love you forever....
“Thank you, so much Tom. Really,” I told him.
Only now Natalie keeps trying to steal my box. She hugs it to her chest and goes, “This is mine.” I explain that no, actually it’s not and then she huffs off and gives me dirty looks for like an hour.
So Tom thinks it might be wise to get Natalie her first jewelry box. They make smaller ones.
And as for the letter? I think I’ll always have it in the box. So I’ll always remember.
And also, because if he royally pisses me off when he’s back from Korea, I can maybe read it and think, “He’s not an ass after all.”
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