My Granny McCain lived with my grandparents in her later years. She was a pistol ball. Everyone needs a great grandmother like this one. She was a straight razor toting kind of woman with a viporish tongue. I have a memory of her that is funny now...I am sure it was not so funny when it happened...especially to my grandmother. When I was about 5 or 6, Terri would have been 4 - 5, Amanda 3 -4 and another grandchild was involved...I just can't remember which one. My granny McCain had this trunk in her room at my grandmother's house full of stuff little girls like...old dresses, gloves, hats, pictures...you know little girl plundering stuff. Anyways...we were not allowed in her room unless she invited us in....and we were all standing at the door...longing for an invitation to plunder in the trunk. She sat in her chair...and smiled at us....she knew we were there...but she did not invite us in straight on. Finally, after the puppy dog looks...she held up some chocolate...and asked us if we wanted some. We all said yes and rushed to her side for a piece of the prized chocolate bar. It tasted heavenly. Back in my day...chocolate and cokes were special treats...now they are something kids expect everyday. We all ate the chocolate square and asked if we could have another one. Granny doled out another square around...patted us on our heads and sent us outside to play so she could take a nap. It did not take long for the CHOCOLATE to do its magic...and all of us were very sick. My grandmother's house only had one bathroom...and we were all in it. Two of us were sitting on pails and one on the toilet. I cannot remember ever being so sick. My grandmother did not know about the chocolate treat we had had...and when she found out...she was furious with my grandmother...who sat in her chair and looked very indignant because she was being fussed at. Moral of the story...it may look like chocolate, taste like chocolate...but beware...it may be Ex-Lax in disguise.
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