Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Coming Home and Finding Peace

Woo mom is coming home today. Well...not exactly home...but back to the Dadeville Healthcare Center. She is being brought by ambulance so that we are not associated with the placement this time. She has been doing well at Brookwood. The only aggitation they have seen is in the morning during bath time....and that is part of dementia. They do not like baths. I find that odd. The Social Worker, Kelly, asked me not to be there when she arrived so that she could be settled down from the move. She said she thought it would be a good idea for us to go and see her after work. That way she would know that she is loved. Loved? Of course I love her...she is my mom. I am a bit apprehensive about this afternoon. I love my mother....I just hope I will love the person that is inhabiting her body now. I hope I get a glimpse of the old be honest...I just want a hug. I want to feel my mom's arms wrap around me...and pat me on the back. I know that may not happen...but in my heart of hearts I hope today it does. Frank is going with me...and he too is apprehensive about this. At first he did not want to go...but then thought about it and decided he loves her...and would go with me. we will face this challenge together. We went to counseling on Monday. I was nervous all day long. We waited in the outer office for the counselor to come and get us...and then we sat on a couch and spilled our guts for the next hour....she would ask us questions...and we would answer. She seemed very surprised that we seemed so close. She said in her summation...that the past 4.5 years would have been hard on any marriage...but it seemed to have drawn us closer together. I knew that! Griefus. Many times during the past few years I don't think I would have survived without Frank. He has been a God send. What a guy. I don't know what normal is going to be for us...but the Counselor said we were going to be ok!....then she rephrased that and said we were going to be better than OK. I liked that concept. I left feeling OK....for the first time in a long time. Life will go on...and we will find a new normal. Pray that my mother finds peace and an ability to live without my father. Happy Wednesday to you all!

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