Currently....I’m not amused that we’ve already had some snow fall. Didn’t summer just end? And how are bees still alive?
Currently....I’m a little embarrassed on having to fib to the cashier at Wal-Mart. She noticed all the food I was buying and was all, “Oh, are you going to a party?” and before I could think, I blurted, “No, a wedding actually.” It’s because I have the Pam and Jim wedding (from The Office) in my head. I can’t wait to watch it tonight. I mean, I guess technically I’m going to a wedding…sort of…but anyhow, the cashier believed me and went, “How wonderful!” and I went, “Yes! It is!” Here’s some of what I bought...and I wish I could say I bought those Monster Cakes purely for the kids but I got excited over the blue icing…and those apple pies are Tom's "pie things" that he's obsessed with. Whenever I go to Wal-Mart I MUST pick up his pie things.
Currently...I’m thinking that Natalie will never potty train. I’m trying, I really am. But the little minx refuses to go in the toilet. Oh, but the second she goes in her diaper she wants the thing off. So I say, “If this bothers you, just use the potty!” and she’s all, “No thanks.” Of course the other day she teased me and said she had to pee and went to the potty…and I thought, “Here it comes! Her first pee!” but then all she did was fart at it and run off.
Currently....wondering where all my Reeses Peanut Cups have gone. Oh right, my stomach..
Currently....wishing I could finish my book. It’s the sequel to The Deep End of the Ocean. It’s called No Time To Wave Goodbye. Very good so far.
Currently....I really want to take away the toy piano from Natalie. It’s giving me a headache. I keep having fantasies about hurling it out the window. I know music is supposed to mold a child's brain and all that jazz but holy crap, can't music be QUIETER?
Currently....I’m aching to go on this cruise. (It’s a Titanic cruise if clicking on a link is not your thing.) But it’s expensive. Like $4000 per person expensive. Maybe even more because when I checked the site, all the “cheap” rooms are already sold out. However, I’ve always been interested in the Titanic. Even before Leonardo DiCaprio shouted that he was king of the world. I have to go on this cruise. Maybe they’d let me sleep in the closet? I crunched the numbers and I went, “Tom! I figured out how we can go on the cruise!” and he went, “How?” and I said, “We just won’t be able to eat for a year…” and he gave me a Look. Then I went, “Why can’t your uncle be George Clooney?” and he replied, “EXCUSE me?” and I explained, “If your uncle were George Clooney, he’d probably buy us tickets as a Christmas present. This stinks.” Then I was all, “Maybe I could be a maid on the ship and some rich guy will save me and sweep me in his arms---” and Tom cut in with, “You do realize that you’re married, right?” Right. I know. I was just, you know, fantasizing. But yeah. I really need to go on this cruise. I even told Tom that he didn’t have to come, therefore it would only be my fare and he was all, “Um, I’m not about to let my wife wander alone on a cruise ship that sank in 1912.” Then Tom went, “Wait, on the site it says that it’s an English cruise with English food.” And he made a face because when we were in England for three years, we weren’t quite impressed with the food. The Yorkshire Pudding really freaked Tom out. But who cares about EATING, this could totally be our delayed honeymoon! We never got one.'s not until April 2012 and you can pay off a portion every year. So maybe...maybe? (Would still be easier if Tom's uncle were George Clooney though.)
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