I am leaving for Ireland, Wales, and England in the morning. I am so excited. We will be gone from March 13 - 21st. A group of six is going with EF tours. This will be my second time to take this particular trip. It is one of my favorite tours. We will be in Dublin on St. Paddy's Day....talk about the ultimate rush of Irishness! We will be visiting Kilarney, do the Circle of Kerry, kiss the Blarney Stone, shop, see Buckingham Palace, see Westminster Abbey, see the Tower, the Bridge....Abbey Road (my personal choice), I will sing, more than likely, with the buskers in Covent Gardens....this is also where Eliza Doolittle (My Fair Lady) sold flowers....we will see Piccadilly Circus....I was sad when I realized...it was just a place...there was no tight rope walker or such. I did see some circus freaks...people with weird colored hair....dressed funny....and went to a head shop....that really sold 'schrooms. I thought I would die. I got to go to Madame Trousoues (my spelling stinks). The food is interesting....from the fish and chips to the spotted dick....I tried it all. I was not crazy about the Indian food - it turns out that the national food of England is Indian food.....and I loved going to the vault of the original Hard Rock Cafe. I actually played Jimmy Hendrix guitar in the vault...along with Eric Claptons first one. It was an awesome rush to sit on Hendrixes couch, hold his guitar and actually get to play it. We will be visiting Stratford on the Avon and Shakespeares homeplace. I love this thought.....I am a Shakespeare major. From there we will see Oxford....and Snowdonia Glacier Park. The only bad part about this trip...is the 24 hours we will spend trying to get there. Oh it is not actually 24 hours....we leave Atlanta....fly to Chicago...that takes....1.3 hours. Then we leave there....4 hours later...and fly to London.....that takes 8 hours....but not really...there is a 6 hour time change....and 5 hours after we arrive in London....we fly to Dublin...and then to Shannon. Coming back...we leave from London....and fly to Dulles in Washington....then to Atlanta....the whole shabang is 12 hours. I won't be blogging next week...unless I get to an internet cafe or something.....but I will be thinking of you all....be prepared to be bombarded with Ireland tales. Have a great Spring Break Week. God Save the Queen Mum!....Tut Tut...and all that jazz!
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