Several years ago I went to a conference done by Mamie McCullough. What a speaker she was. I left the place flying high....literally. If you ever get a chance to see her....GO! Anyways, her topic was on being the best you can be....being what you want to be....being you....and she told a little story about bees I just felt like I needed to share with you. Did you know that scientists can prove that it is aerodynamically impossible for the bumble bee to fly? The body of the bee is too heavy and its wings too light to sustain flight. But the bumble bee chooses not to be influenced by science's negative viewpoint and flies anyway. When you look at the bee, thing this thought, I CAN BEE what I want to BEE!......But you can't stop there....you have to BEElieve it and DO IT! Today, Thursday, March 5th 2009....I say Bee All that You Can Bee.....Happy Thursday!
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