I can hardly believe that you’re two.
It seems like only yesterday when I was pushing you out and snapping at your father that he’d better savor you, because there would be no more babies coming from my uterus.
I’d like to say that you’ll skip the Terrible Twos. But darling, that fit you threw this morning would prove that statement to be false. Remember, we don’t throw our shoes across the room. It could hurt someone. And Natalie, you may think that your hat would look fantastic on the cat but unfortunately the cat does not agree.
I’ve learned a lot of things about you in your short two years.
For instance, when you were first born you did not appreciate hats:
I'm a little confused at this honey, because the hat was adorable.
I tried to pair the hat with clothes but you weren't keen on that either.
While we're at it, you also didn't seem to enjoy the following:
Your carseat. Even though I tried to make it more enjoyable by adding nifty toys. (You didn't care.)
Photoshoots with a white fuzzy background.
People not holding you correctly.
Pink hats.
And shirts that said "Tax Deduction."
But sweetheart, I did discover that there were things that you loved:
Oh and...Daddy. Darling, please remember who birthed you.
Your brother.
A creepy character named Brobee.
The beach. And seagulls.
And human beings dressed up as Disney characters.
Natalie, I can't wait to learn more about you. You make me laugh on a daily basis. You also like to pierce my eardrums with your screeching. Remember your Indoor Voice, sweetheart.
I love you so much and I am so lucky to be your mother.
Thank you for letting me dress you up like this:
Without any sort of complaint.
I hope you have a wonderful birthday, my darling.
I will always love you.
Your Mommy.
I also made a video in honor of Natalie's birthday.
Please note that I do understand that it's not a good thing to be a Material Girl. (Or IS it...) (Kidding. I promise.)
It's just for fun.
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