A Poem 4 Auntie
Sometimes I know the words to say
Give thanks for all you've done
But then they fly up and away
As quickly as they come
How could I possibly thank you enough
The one who makes me whole
The one to whom I owe my life
The forming of my soul
The one who tucked me in at night
The one who stopped my crying
The one who is an expert
At knowing when I am lying
The one who makes such sacrifices
To always put me first
Who lets me test my broken wings
No matter how much it hurts
Who bought my first phone card
Who endured my boring days
Who always said something funny
That mattered in oh-so-many ways
For accepting me as I changed
Accepting all my flaws
Not loving ‘cause you had to
But loving just because
For never giving up on me
Even when your nerves had reached the end
For always being proud of me
For being my best friend
So thank you Auntie for everything
Thank you for letting me cheat
That's how I always win
Thank you for letting me be spoiled
And most of all thank you for being there
To the very end!
I hope you all have someone in your life....that fits this bill. Someone you could go to when you could not explain it to your mom...or dad. I was fortunate...I had Aunt Shirley...and she made a world of difference in my life. When my brother died...and her husband....she gave me four wonderful sisters/cousins...so I would not have to go through my life as an only child. If you have someone like this in your life...call 'em today...let them know how special they are. They may not be there tomorrow. Love and Kisses, K
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