Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Fat Boy Chronicles by Diane Lang - ADVISABLE

Lang, Diane The Fat Boy Chronicles, 217 pgs. Sleeping Bear Press, 2009. Language – PG (16 swears, 0 “f”), Sexual Content – PG-13; Violence – PG; Jimmy is an obese freshman in high school who gets ridiculed a lot. Jimmy never thought there was anything wrong with his weight until this year. Now he is made fun of everyday and even considers suicide, but he doesn’t really want to die. That’s why he decides to become less fat, but as Jimmy takes control of his life, his few friend’s lives fall to pieces. How will they all survive high school? I loved and hated reading this book because it is so true! I was just a freshman and I can tell you from experience that no one can possibly be more mean then high school students. It makes me happy that Jimmy finally learned to ignore the jerks and be his own person. You can always take control of your own life and I love how Jimmy’s story shows that everyone can survive high school. MS, HS – ADVISABLE. Reviewer: CCH

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