Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Dog Parade by Barbara Joosse - OPTIONAL
Joosse, Barbara. Dog Parade, illustrated by Eugene Yelchin. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011. $16.99. PICTURE BOOK. It is time for a dog parade, and so the dogs need to get ready to "put [their] best paw forward." Owners put, what they consider, cute costumes on the dogs to help them get ready. Then the dogs go on parade "to show off [their] diggity best." I didn't like this book. But I am not a dog lover. So I kind of feel like y opinion doesn't matter because the author was obviously only writing for dog lovers. The people whose dogs are front and center in their holiday card each year. I thought this book was pointless and I would never recommend it, even to a dog lover. There are other books, like Chowder, that are actually good books and dog lovers could enjoy. I guess there is a chance there is an audience for this book; so I will at least give it an optional recommendation. Pre-K, EL (K-3) - OPTIONAL. Brent Smith, Reading Teacher
Mistress of the Storm by ML Welsh -OPTIONAL
Welsh, M.L Mistress of the Storm, 320 pgs. David Fickling Books, 2011. $13.25. (Rating: G in all categories)
This story is about a 12yo girl named Verity whose life is changed by appearance of an evil grandmother. She now must learn more about her family’s dark history, in seafaring and smuggling, in order to save her family. Luckily she has a few allies –the mysterious librarian, her elderly friend Alice, and two misfit from school –Henry and Martha.
I am finding it hard to pinpoint exactly why this book was such a dreaded chore to read. It could be the dated time period without the charm to back it up, the boring characters, the stereotypical evil grandmother plotline, the overload of mysterious anticipation which fails to deliver, or simply the flow of the story. But the bottom line is that despite the magic and pirating, I found this book to be readable yet somehow tedious. I think students will find this a disappointing read.
EL – OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate.
This story is about a 12yo girl named Verity whose life is changed by appearance of an evil grandmother. She now must learn more about her family’s dark history, in seafaring and smuggling, in order to save her family. Luckily she has a few allies –the mysterious librarian, her elderly friend Alice, and two misfit from school –Henry and Martha.
I am finding it hard to pinpoint exactly why this book was such a dreaded chore to read. It could be the dated time period without the charm to back it up, the boring characters, the stereotypical evil grandmother plotline, the overload of mysterious anticipation which fails to deliver, or simply the flow of the story. But the bottom line is that despite the magic and pirating, I found this book to be readable yet somehow tedious. I think students will find this a disappointing read.
EL – OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie MLS graduate.
The Family Storybook Treasury - ADVISABLE
The Family Storybook Treasury. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011. $18.99. PICTURE BOOK. With eight different stories, and a poem between each one, this book certainly has a wide variety of writings. Plus, there is an accompanying audio cd of all 8 stories and the poems. The stories come from famous characters like Martha Speaks and Curious George. They are Curious George and the Firefighters, Lyle Walks the Dog, Martha Speaks, The Great Doughnut Parade, Sheep in a Jeep, Tacky the Penguin, Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed, Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel. These stories are old classics, and they are all absolutely wonderful. If you don't have these books, then you should probably get this volume because it truly is a collection of delightful stories. But from a library standpoint, I think people would usually check out the specific stories rather than this big collection; so I would say that this is not essential. However, it would make a great gift for someone who might not be familiar with all of the different stories. Pre-K, EL (K-3) - ADVISABLE. Brent Smith, Reading Teacher
The Giant Book of Giants by Saviour Pirotta - OPTIONAL
Pirotta, Saviour. The Giant Book of Giants, illustrated by Mark Robertson. Sterling Children's Books, 2011. $19.95. PICTURE BOOK. This books retells six different giant stories, including "Jack and the Beanstalk" and "Sinbad's Third Voyage." The stories come from all over the world, but not a one is original. Also included with this book is a foldout poster of a giant. The poster includes many flaps to lift and things to pull out. The giant poster is larger than most toddlers who will look at this book. This book is so-so, but the poster is phenomenal. My children loved pulling out all the different parts and lifting the flaps. For example, his time piece is a clock tower that he has uprooted. The stories are nothing special, and that makes it so that this book is definitely not worth the $20 list price. My family read the stories once; I doubt we'll read them again. Though the poster is worth returning to...but still not worth the price. Pre-K, EL (K-3) - OPTIONAL. Brent Smith, Reading Teacher
Facebook Freakiness!
Facebook continues to amaze me. My graduating class has a facebook page and I am a member and have loved catching up with all my old high school acquaintances....but the weirdest thing happened yesterday. I was responding to one friend when I noticed another friend from school had responded to her as well. I clicked on R's name and went to her page.....where I asked to be friends with her, noticed she lived in Birmingham, AL, and sent her a quick note telling her I lived in Rock Mills, AL. The response I got floored me this morning. Talk about six degrees of separation...."Hi Karen . . . well, it really is a small world. I was born in Roanoke and have spent much time in Rock Mills. My dad's family were members of Rock Mills Methodist (my granddaddy probably has a pew with his name on it - lol). When I was a little girl, we lived almost next door to the church in a tiny little frame house that sits on the main road between the church and the little bridge before you get to the mill village. My first remembrances of church were the Baptist Church and Methodist Church there. My dad worked in the Wehadkee Yarn Mill before we moved to Florida, etc., etc. Still have a few relatives there. Used to spend a lot of summers between Rock Mills and Bacon Level. Anyway, thanks for friending me. We'll have to catch up sometime. Periodically I bring my mom and dad down there to put flowers on the graves at the Rock Mills Cemetery. If you're ever in Birmingham, give me a call and we'll get together. Hope you are doing well. R" After picking myself up off the floor....I mean come on....no one knows where Rock Mills is. I responded back to her with "It is even smaller than you know. Two of my dearest friends that I have made since we moved to Rock Mills in 2010 are related to you. It all came together this morning when I read your response. Miss S(our age) goes to my church and I adore her.....M(8 years younger than us) is her sister. H (brother) is a fire fighter with my husband. I vote in Bacon Level....so I know where that is too. We do come to B'ham a good bit....since there is nothing here in Roanoke. S told me a story about visiting family once....in West Palm...but J and E did nothing for me.....I called your parents Mr. and Mrs. B. We laughed over Margies Laundry and the A & W. Do your parents still live in Florida? You are lucky to still have yours....my dad died in 2009 and my mom in 2011. Dad had cancer and my mom had dementia. It was a hard couple of years. If you are ever in Roanoke....we live in the methodist parsonage next to the T Farms sign on Hwy 22. Glad to hear from you. You made my day.....and M's and S's too. I could not wait to tell them about you." On my way to work I called M and told her about the facebook message....she was as freaked about it as I was. Talk about six degrees of separation! Has anything like this happened to you on FB?
Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!
I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up!
To be excited that Sophie Kinsella has a new book coming out on Valentine’s Day.
To have gotten a paper on Kindergarten Round Up and thought, “Holy crap. Next year both kids will be in school full time!” That’ll be weird.
To want to see that new show Smash.
To have had to ask on Facebook what smh meant. A lot of people would write it and I’d be like, “What?” And I follow Michael Phelps on Twitter, and he used it, and I thought, “Is it some bizarre swimming term?” No. It turns out it means shake my head. Oh.
To think there are way too many award shows for celebrities. There should be the Emmys and the Oscars. That’s it. None of this People’s Choice/SAG/Golden Globe crap.
To be glad that the neighbor’s plant that I’m watching is still alive.
To really want to go back to NYC. Soon.
To have cried over the latest episode of Downton Abbey. Don’t worry, I won’t say why. But really, if you haven’t seen the show yet, you should! The first season is on Netflix!
To be worried that my blog button on my sidebar is now showing a black box with an exclaimation point. Can someone help? I paid someone to make it and I'm assuming their Photobucket account was closed or something...
To be excited that Sophie Kinsella has a new book coming out on Valentine’s Day.
To have gotten a paper on Kindergarten Round Up and thought, “Holy crap. Next year both kids will be in school full time!” That’ll be weird.
To want to see that new show Smash.
To have had to ask on Facebook what smh meant. A lot of people would write it and I’d be like, “What?” And I follow Michael Phelps on Twitter, and he used it, and I thought, “Is it some bizarre swimming term?” No. It turns out it means shake my head. Oh.
To think there are way too many award shows for celebrities. There should be the Emmys and the Oscars. That’s it. None of this People’s Choice/SAG/Golden Globe crap.
To be glad that the neighbor’s plant that I’m watching is still alive.
To really want to go back to NYC. Soon.
To have cried over the latest episode of Downton Abbey. Don’t worry, I won’t say why. But really, if you haven’t seen the show yet, you should! The first season is on Netflix!
To be worried that my blog button on my sidebar is now showing a black box with an exclaimation point. Can someone help? I paid someone to make it and I'm assuming their Photobucket account was closed or something...
Monday, January 30, 2012
Reading Fun with Curious George Early Reader Boxed Set - ADVISABLE
Reading Fun with Curious George Early Reader Boxed Set. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011. $9.99. PICTURE BOOK. As we know, Curious George was created by Margret and H.A. Rey. But these books only give credit to the pair for having created the character in the books, not actually written them. What is even more interesting is that the titles are adaptations from the Curious George show on PBS. The titles included in this boxed set are all Early Reader Level 1, and they are entitled The Dog Show, The Kite, Roller Coaster, The Boat Show, Plays Mini Golf, and Pinata Party. Also included in this boxed set are stickers, a poster, and a reading certificate. The truth is that I am happy to have this boxed set. Since my son is still an emergent reader, he needs all the books he can get his hands on. Getting six books for $10 is a good price, even if they are not the highest quality books in the world. The Poster and the certificate are junk in my opinion, but the stickers are fun (kids love stickers). If you know someone who is a level 1 early reader, then this would be a good gift for him/her. Pre-K, EL (K-3) - ADVISABLE. Brent Smith, Reading Teacher
Mousenet by Prudence Breitrose - OPTIONAL
Breitrose, Prudence. Mousenet, illustrated by Stephanie Yue, 389 pages. Hyperion Books, 2011. $16.99. Language: G; Sexual Content: G; Violence: G. Megan Miller is ten and is just back from a remote island in the Atlantic Ocean where she helped her mother research sheep. She doesn't fit in, but she has been able to enjoy herself with her uncle who likes to invent small things. This time, the two of them have created the thumbtop--a miniature computer that requires a magnifying glass and a pin to work. When Megan's mother heads off to Australia and can't bring her daughter with her, Megan must go live with her dad in Oregon. But she at least gets to take the thumbtop with her. This sounds all kinds of alarms in the mouse nation because they have been getting more and more excited to get their paws on the thumbtop because they want to be able to surf the web freely (without having to fear a cat or a broom to whack them). They hatch a plan to approach Megan, and get a thumbtop into every mousehole. This book was okay. At times, I really found myself caring what happened to Megan and the mice. But other times I was annoyed by the writing and the lack of conflict and rising action. Plus, I felt like I was reading a sermon about how important it is to save the planet. I'm all for saving the planet, but when I read a book about little mice wanting to get computers so that they aren't eaten, then I don't want to read about how humans are destroying the earth. I think Ms. Breitrose should have stuck to the story more, and then written an article for National Geographic about what we can do to save the planet. Someone else might like the book more than I did, but I can think of better ways to spend your money and time than buy and read this book. EL(K-3), EL - OPTIONAL. Brent Smith, Reading Teacher
A Treasury of Curious George/Coleccion de Oro Jorge el Curioso by Margret and H.A. Rey - OPTIONAL
Rey, Margret and H.A. A Treasury of Curious George/Coleccion de Oro Jorge el Curioso, illustrated in the style of H.A. Rey by Vipah Interactive and Martha Weston, translated by Carlos E. Calvo. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011. $11.99. PICTURE BOOK. This books tells eight different stories of Curious George. It has the English words in black font on each page and then the Spanish translation is directly underneath it,written in blue. I used to speak Spanish fluently, and I have lost a lot. But I still know enough to know that the translation is good. I have seen books like this benefit students who are learning either of the two languages. But there are so many things out there to spend money on, I wouldn't say that this is a must-have or even a should-have. What is good about this book is that there are eight stories and lots of pages of English and Spanish. It is probably worth the money, but only if there is a need for someone to learn the two languages. Pre-K, EL (K-3), EL - OPTIONAL. Brent Smith, Reading Teacher
Just Another Manic Monday
It is not even 8:00 and the kids are coming in. I walked into the building at 7:00 this morning to the sound of two girls (I was going to call them young ladies....but NOT!) screaming obscenities at the top of their lungs, at each other. One of the administrators had them in hand....sent one to one office....and took the other one to his office to call her mom...they were going home.....they had been here for a grand total of 15 minutes. The girls are first cousins....and whatever they were squabbling about started this weekend at home. Sigh! Most of the fights and things that happen in school begin either at home....or in the community. I had a rough night of disjointed and crazy dreams......I woke up at my regular time....but that was as far as it went. So....I was running late this morning....just could not get any get up and go and did not leave my house until 6. I usually leave around 5:45....but the extra 15 minutes meant driving in with daylight....not dark. Good thing....I counted 27 deer this morning either standing in the road....or on the side of the road. I think tomorrow is the last day of deer season....so today they are taunting the hunters. It is 7:47 and I am sitting at my desk, as we speak, and the kids are so loud out in the hall. I don't know what went on in town this weekend.....but one of our students was shot in the arm at a "club." I wonder sometimes what 15+ year olds are doing at these clubs. The stuff they talk about (and they talk loud enough for me to hear....and answer questions if I choose to ask them) makes the hair on the back of my neck rise. It is frightening. I hate Monday's!
Math Is Confusing
It was like a completely different language.
Is ¼ of 12 greater than ¼ of 8?
I felt like Ozzy Osbourne had just rambled off a response to me and I was left going, “Er?”
I felt just like I did after watching Lost.
Completely and utterly baffled.
“So,” I said, pretending like I knew exactly what I was doing. I mean, it was fourth grade math. FOURTH GRADE. I shouldn’t be having issues with fourth grade stuff. “So ¼ of 12 is…um…what is it, Tommy? Greater than ¼ of 8?”
Tommy frowned. “I don’t know.”
“Aren’t kids with Aspergers supposed to be math geniuses?” I asked, throwing my hands in the air.
Tommy shook his head. “I’m a science genius. Sorry. I hate math.”
Well, ME TOO! He was supposed to be a math whiz and then I could sit back and go, “Oh man, I don’t know where he gets it, I’m awful at math but at least it means we don’t have to shell out money for a tutor. Ha ha.”
It turns out we WILL most likely have to shell out money for a tutor because if I was already lost with fourth grade stuff, I will be completely at a loss for anything beyond.
Tom isn’t much help either.
So I guess it’s no surprise that Tommy is not a math savant.
“What are we going to do?” Tommy wondered. “I have to turn this in tomorrow. Aren’t you an adult? Shouldn’t you know this?”
Er. Well. Probably.
“Aren’t you the kid? Shouldn’t you have learned this today?” I retorted. It had been YEARS since I discussed this kind of math. I won’t say how many or else I’ll cry.
“I learned it but I still don’t understand,” Tommy grumbled.
I chewed my lower lip and grabbed my phone. “I know. I’ll ask people on Facebook.”
So I did.
And I had a response within minutes.
(Thank you again to those who answered!)
The answer, by the way, is yes because ¼ of 12 is 3 and ¼ of 8 is 2.
“Ahh, the power of Facebook,” I said as I explained the answer to Tommy so he’d understand how to do it in the future.
“When can I get on Facebook?” Tommy wanted to know.
“13. Those are the Facebook rules. If you get one before that, you go to jail. Sorry. What can I say, that Mark Zuckerberg is a hard ass and, by the way, he needs to get rid of that annoying timeline.”
Tommy scowled. “But a lot of my friends have one and they aren’t in jail.”
“The police haven’t figured it out yet,” I lied. Clearly, no one goes to jail for violating rules. I’ve seen many a child under 13 on Facebook. So long as they don’t try and follow me, I figure the parents know what they are doing. But if a parent ever chastises an adult for writing adult items on Facebook for fear that their little Suzy will be traumatized my advice will be to KEEP THEM OFF FACEBOOK!
Anyway, the plus is, if I ever have a math question I can go to Facebook because lucky for me, I have friends who are competent in math.
I’ll need all the help I can get seeing as I had to Google how to do long division the other day and for the life of me, I don’t recall what in the world happens with fractions.
Hi, I’m Amber, and I don’t understand basic mathematics.
Is ¼ of 12 greater than ¼ of 8?
I felt like Ozzy Osbourne had just rambled off a response to me and I was left going, “Er?”
I felt just like I did after watching Lost.
Completely and utterly baffled.
“So,” I said, pretending like I knew exactly what I was doing. I mean, it was fourth grade math. FOURTH GRADE. I shouldn’t be having issues with fourth grade stuff. “So ¼ of 12 is…um…what is it, Tommy? Greater than ¼ of 8?”
Tommy frowned. “I don’t know.”
“Aren’t kids with Aspergers supposed to be math geniuses?” I asked, throwing my hands in the air.
Tommy shook his head. “I’m a science genius. Sorry. I hate math.”
Well, ME TOO! He was supposed to be a math whiz and then I could sit back and go, “Oh man, I don’t know where he gets it, I’m awful at math but at least it means we don’t have to shell out money for a tutor. Ha ha.”
It turns out we WILL most likely have to shell out money for a tutor because if I was already lost with fourth grade stuff, I will be completely at a loss for anything beyond.
Tom isn’t much help either.
So I guess it’s no surprise that Tommy is not a math savant.
“What are we going to do?” Tommy wondered. “I have to turn this in tomorrow. Aren’t you an adult? Shouldn’t you know this?”
Er. Well. Probably.
“Aren’t you the kid? Shouldn’t you have learned this today?” I retorted. It had been YEARS since I discussed this kind of math. I won’t say how many or else I’ll cry.
“I learned it but I still don’t understand,” Tommy grumbled.
I chewed my lower lip and grabbed my phone. “I know. I’ll ask people on Facebook.”
So I did.
And I had a response within minutes.
(Thank you again to those who answered!)
The answer, by the way, is yes because ¼ of 12 is 3 and ¼ of 8 is 2.
“Ahh, the power of Facebook,” I said as I explained the answer to Tommy so he’d understand how to do it in the future.
“When can I get on Facebook?” Tommy wanted to know.
“13. Those are the Facebook rules. If you get one before that, you go to jail. Sorry. What can I say, that Mark Zuckerberg is a hard ass and, by the way, he needs to get rid of that annoying timeline.”
Tommy scowled. “But a lot of my friends have one and they aren’t in jail.”
“The police haven’t figured it out yet,” I lied. Clearly, no one goes to jail for violating rules. I’ve seen many a child under 13 on Facebook. So long as they don’t try and follow me, I figure the parents know what they are doing. But if a parent ever chastises an adult for writing adult items on Facebook for fear that their little Suzy will be traumatized my advice will be to KEEP THEM OFF FACEBOOK!
Anyway, the plus is, if I ever have a math question I can go to Facebook because lucky for me, I have friends who are competent in math.
I’ll need all the help I can get seeing as I had to Google how to do long division the other day and for the life of me, I don’t recall what in the world happens with fractions.
Hi, I’m Amber, and I don’t understand basic mathematics.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Beyond Molasses Creek
Author: Nicole Seitz
Author: Nicole Seitz
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
January 2012
ISBN: 978-1-59554-505-3
Genre: Inspirational/women’s fiction
About the Book: Written in first person of the three different characters, each point of view is easily identified by a name at the top of the chapter. Ally is a former flight attendant. She was forced to leave the job when her back went out and she dumped a cup of coffee on a passenger. She never wanted to get back on a plane—but now she has, to fly to the Lowcountry to bury her father—and the past. Her old best friend, Vesey Washington, is still living across the creek—but this is the south; Vesey is black, she is white. And despite the attraction between them, there can’t be anything more. On the other side of the world, a young slave woman, Sunila Kunari, is wondering why she was born white in a family of black. She believes there’s more to her story that she’s told, so she escapes her life of slavery in the rock quarries of Nepal. A sketchbook tempts Sunila to follow the truth wherever it may lead… About the Author: Nicole Seitz grew up on Hilton Head Island, a small town off the coast of South Carolina, where she was surrounded by palmetto trees, marsh grass, sandy beaches and unique Southern characters. As an author, artist and speaker, Nicole's work is deeply influenced by her faith and the mystique and charm of the Lowcountry. In 1989 she went to the U.S.S.R as a student ambassador through People to People Organization, and the trip opened her eyes to the struggles, beauty, and universal qualities of other cultures--things she likes to explore in her work. Nicole received a B.A. in Journalism and Mass Communications from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a B.F.A. in Illustration from Savannah College of Art & Design. Her freelance articles have been in The Island Packet, The Bluffton Packet, and SouthCarolina Magazine. Nicole is also a published illustrator, and her artwork has been exhibited in Southern art galleries. Her novels feature her paintings/illustrations on the covers. Nicole Seitz was named "Best Local Author Who Also Paints" in Charleston City Paper's Best of Charleston 2009, and in 2007, she was named one of Charleston Regional Business Journal's "Forty Under 40" for her professional successes and community involvement. Nicole enjoys meeting her readers and book clubs and often speaks to groups on writing, art and faith. In 2009, she spoke as part of the Southern Literary Festival during Piccolo Spoleto. In 2008, she gave the Baccalaureate address for the College of Charleston. An artist at heart, Nicole enjoys painting pictures with words and bringing her characters to life through detail and dialect. She lives in the Charleston, South Carolina, area with her husband, Brian, and their two children, teaches art at a local private school, and is currently.
My Thoughts About the Book: The story starts out painfully slow and never really picked up. At one point I almost jumped to the last chapter to read the finale, but chose to keep plugging on. Once I figured out where it was going I managed to get through the book. I was a little disappointed in the plot development and found it difficult to make the jumps from character to character. I do have to say that Vesey was a wonderfully developed male character. He was strong, faithful and loving. Ally’s character did nothing for me. Sunila’s story is heartbreaking. I cried for her. The book was very sad and just not quite the kind of book I usually look for. This is the type book that you must read with an open mind and heart as you’re reminded that we all fit into the bigger picture of God’s plan. It was also a reminder for me about God’s time.
Disclaimer: I was given this book by Thomas Nelson Publishing's Book Sneeze program to review. The opinions expressed in this review are 100% my own.
My Thoughts About the Book: The story starts out painfully slow and never really picked up. At one point I almost jumped to the last chapter to read the finale, but chose to keep plugging on. Once I figured out where it was going I managed to get through the book. I was a little disappointed in the plot development and found it difficult to make the jumps from character to character. I do have to say that Vesey was a wonderfully developed male character. He was strong, faithful and loving. Ally’s character did nothing for me. Sunila’s story is heartbreaking. I cried for her. The book was very sad and just not quite the kind of book I usually look for. This is the type book that you must read with an open mind and heart as you’re reminded that we all fit into the bigger picture of God’s plan. It was also a reminder for me about God’s time.
Disclaimer: I was given this book by Thomas Nelson Publishing's Book Sneeze program to review. The opinions expressed in this review are 100% my own.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Project 365 Week 4
It is that time again and another week has finished so it is time to post my weeks offerings for Project 365. Want to join us? Want to see everyone else's pictures? If you do then head over to Sara's blog and see what everyone else has seen this week.

Sunday, January 22nd
The water at the Mill's dam was really running hard and angry today/ You could hear it from my house. It was kind of scary. I always worry about flooding situations.
Monday. January 23rd
Even Hillabee Creek was out of it's banks due to all the rain we have had. I cross two major bridges along Hwy 22 each day....so therefore I pay attention to the water levels.....close attention.
Tuesday, January 24th
They have been doing roadwork on Hwy 22 for the past year and a half. The big machines are finally moving out and hopefully they will pave it soon.
Wednesday, January 25th
I have been seeing interesting tags this week so I thought I would share with you the one I found on Weds. Do you get the feeling that they are either Yankees fans.....or from New York?
Thursday, January 26th
Ok, so this driver is either pleasingly plump, which I would not brag about.....or they are cattle people. I am opting for the second reason. I have loved finding cars with weird tags this week.
BTW....we were dismissed from school at 1 because of the threat of severe weather. Frank and I did not bowl tonight because of that....and it was our Ninth Wedding anniversary. What a day!
Friday, January 27th
I saw some deer on Friday when Debo and I went to pick up Brady at Jan and Gwen's house. I could not believe how still they stood while I got the shots.
Saturday, January28th
This weekend was mine and Debo's girl weekend. We spent it in Opelika. We spent the night at the Hampton....went to the Auburn vs Alabama girl's gymnastic meet on Friday night. Got up this morning and went to breakfast at Cracker Barrell...and then went to Salem, AL to this great antique store. We finished up our excursion at Angel's Antique Mall in Opelika. This is going to be fun! Hope your week was wonderful! See you next week!
Wodney Wat's Wobot by Helen Lester - OPTIONAL
Lester, Helen. Wodney Wat's Wobot, illustrated by Lynn Munsinger. Houghton Mifflin Books for Children, 2011. $16.99. PICTURE BOOK. Rodney has a speech impediment. His Rs sound like Ws. But then he receives this really great birthday present: a robot that repeats what it hears. But the good news is that it can pronounce its Rs correctly. So Rodney takes this robot with him to school and whispers his answers to the robot, who then says the answer correctly. His problems seem to be solved...until Camilla, the bully shows up (she had moved away, but is now apparently back). Can his robot save him and his friends from Camilla? Or will she take over? So many questions. And I didn't care about the answer to them while I was reading this book to my kids. I didn't like Camilla; she truly was a bully. But in all honesty, I didn't care if she beat up Wodney (I mean Rodney) because he was annoying too. This book wasn't terrible, but it lacked that something special to set it apart from other picture books. Pre-K, EL (K-3) - OPTIONAL. Brent Smith, Reading Teacher
Au Revoir, Crazy European Chick by Joe Schreiber-ESSENTIAL
Language-PG (2 swears), Mature Content-PG-13, Violence-PG-13
Perry has a lot of stress in his life. He has a complicated relationship with his father, but he needs a college letter of recommendation from a partner in his father's firm. His mother wants him to take their foreign exchange student, Gobija Zaksauskas, to the prom, but his band has their first paying gig in New York City on the same night. He wants to say no to everyone, but he can't. When Gobi comes down the stairs dressed for prom wearing a 'baggy shapeless mountain of linen', a headscarf and a bag made from animal hide, Perry's father hands him the keys to his red Jaguar to ease his pain. Perry thinks that the evening is going to be a disaster-only he has no idea how bad it could get before dawn. What happens next involves a crazy night in Manhattan, hit men, mobsters, explosions, and a jump from the forty-seventh floor. Through it all, Perry learns a lot more than he ever wanted to know about himself, his family, Gobi, concealed weapons and the underworld. Essentially kidnapped at gunpoint by his prom date, Perry is a very unwilling participant in what turns out to be the most important night of his life. This book is hilarious in an over-the-top, high octane sort of way. From the first explosion to the last, you'll be handcuffed to every page. HS-ESSENTIAL. Reviewer: Gretchen
Hourglass by Myra McEntire-ADVISABLE
McEntire, Myra. Hourglass, 390 pages, Egmont, 2011, $17.99.
Language-G, Mature Content-PG, Violence-G
Language-G, Mature Content-PG, Violence-G
Fairy Bad Day by Amanda Ashby-OPTIONAL
Ashby, Amanda. Fairy Bad Da9, 336 pages, Speak, 2011, $7.99.
Language-G , Mature Content-G, Violence-PG
Burtonwood Academy student, Emma Jones wants nothing more than to be chosen to be a Dragon Slayer like her mother before her. However, when Curtis Green is chosen to be a Dragon Slayer and she is assigned to study to be the very first Fairy Slayer, Emma knows that it must be some kind of cosmic joke or at least a simple mistake that Principal Kessler could easily rectify. Resigned to embarrassment and at a loss of how to take down a fairy, Emma turns to her two friends and her own devices. When a giant evil fairy only she can see wreaks havoc on campus, Emma finds that maybe she needs more help than she is willing to admit, and maybe, just maybe, the cute Curtis Green might be very interested in lending a hand. The creature mythology behind this story is kind of confusing. I found the characters and setting pretty flat. The story did not really keep my interest which made it hard to hang in there until the final battle. MS/HS-OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Gretchen
The Jane Austen Diaries: Pride and Popularity by Jenni James-OPTIONAL
James, Jenni. The Jane Austen Diaries: Pride and Popularity, 238 pages, Inkberry Press, 2011, $11.99. Language-G, Mature Content-G, Violence-G
Chloe has been avoiding Taylor Anderson since the summer before their sophomore year. He was too popular, too handsome and far too sure of himself for her. When they end up in the same art class senior year, she can't avoid him any longer. Why won't he and his friends leave her and her friends alone? But when his best friend falls for hers, things get messy, and her pride and his popularity get in the way. There was really nothing new here, and much of the Pride and Prejudice parallels seemed forced. Ultimately, it is an easy read with a few bright spots for the young Austen enthusiast. MS/HS-ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Gretchen
The Sons of Liberty Book 2: Death and Taxes by Alexander Lagos and Joseph Lagos-OPTIONAL
Lagos, Alexander and Joseph Lagos. The Sons of Liberty Book 2: Death and Taxes,176 pages, Random House, 2011, $14.99. Language-G, Mature Content-G, Violence-PG
Having escaped slavery years before, brothers Graham and Brody are now apprentices in Benjamin Franklin's print shop in Philadelphia at the outbreak of civil unrest. As the Colonists begin to fight back against the British, the streets erupt in violence. The brothers use their super powers, obtained in Book 1, to find Graham's girlfriend and fight injustice and demons on both sides of the conflict. The Sons of Liberty is American history on steroids. The plot is a mash-up of historical fiction, super hero action, social commentary and pure craziness, and it was pretty hard to follow until I went back and read Book 1. The pictures are visually stunning and will captivate any willing reader. Ultimately however, I felt the superhero angle was like cheese sauce over broccoli; it was a gimmick to get you to read historical fiction, and this book is much more fictional than historical. MS/HS-OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Gretchen
Having escaped slavery years before, brothers Graham and Brody are now apprentices in Benjamin Franklin's print shop in Philadelphia at the outbreak of civil unrest. As the Colonists begin to fight back against the British, the streets erupt in violence. The brothers use their super powers, obtained in Book 1, to find Graham's girlfriend and fight injustice and demons on both sides of the conflict. The Sons of Liberty is American history on steroids. The plot is a mash-up of historical fiction, super hero action, social commentary and pure craziness, and it was pretty hard to follow until I went back and read Book 1. The pictures are visually stunning and will captivate any willing reader. Ultimately however, I felt the superhero angle was like cheese sauce over broccoli; it was a gimmick to get you to read historical fiction, and this book is much more fictional than historical. MS/HS-OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Gretchen
Can I See Your ID? True Stories of False Identities by Chris Barton-ADVISABLE
Barton, Chris. Can I See Your ID?: True Stories of False Identities,121 pages, Dial Books, 2011, $16.99. Language-G, Mature Content-G, Violence-G
Can I See Your ID? is a collection of stories about people who did very interesting and sometimes illegal things while posing to be someone else. Princess Caraboo, a fake. The author of The Education of Little Tree, not a Native American, and the engineer of that subway you are riding on might just be a sixteen year old with a fascination for trains. Notorious fakers and liars masquerade as what they are not in Barton's tales of crime, desperation and adventure. His research is thorough and cited at the back of the book. The episodes told in second person draw the reader in and let them experience the perpetrators' thinking behind each masquerade. My favorite part is the "What happened next" addendum at the end of every story. Engaging and easy to read, Can I see Your ID? would be an excellent way to interest young readers in nonfiction or biographies. MS-ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Gretchen
Can I See Your ID? is a collection of stories about people who did very interesting and sometimes illegal things while posing to be someone else. Princess Caraboo, a fake. The author of The Education of Little Tree, not a Native American, and the engineer of that subway you are riding on might just be a sixteen year old with a fascination for trains. Notorious fakers and liars masquerade as what they are not in Barton's tales of crime, desperation and adventure. His research is thorough and cited at the back of the book. The episodes told in second person draw the reader in and let them experience the perpetrators' thinking behind each masquerade. My favorite part is the "What happened next" addendum at the end of every story. Engaging and easy to read, Can I see Your ID? would be an excellent way to interest young readers in nonfiction or biographies. MS-ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Gretchen
Friday, January 27, 2012
The Harvest of Grace
About the Book: The Harvest of Grace is the third and final book in Ada’s House. Come join us for the conclusion of this New York Times best-selling series as beloved characters from The Hope of Refuge and The Bridge of Peace continue to grow in their love and commitment to one another.
In The Harvest of Grace, you’ll be introduced to two unique characters ~ Sylvia Fischer who is reeling from an unexpected betrayal, is someone who recognizes that most Old Order Amish women her age spend their hours managing a household and raising babies. Sylvia has just one focus—tending and nurturing the herd on her family’s dairy farm. But when a dangerous connection with an old beau forces her to move far from home, she decides to concentrate on a new start and pour her energy into reviving another family’s debt-ridden farm. Aaron Blank returns home to sell his Daed’s failing farm and move his parents into an easier lifestyle. Two things stand in his way: the father who stubbornly refuses to recognize that Aaron has changed and the determined new farmhand his parents love like a daughter. Her influence on Aaron’s parents could ruin his plans to escape the burdens of farming and build a new life. Can Aaron and Sylvia find common ground? Or will their unflinching efforts toward opposite goals blur the bigger picture— a path to forgiveness, glimpses of grace, and the promise of love.
Click here to read Chapter One
In The Harvest of Grace, you’ll be introduced to two unique characters ~ Sylvia Fischer who is reeling from an unexpected betrayal, is someone who recognizes that most Old Order Amish women her age spend their hours managing a household and raising babies. Sylvia has just one focus—tending and nurturing the herd on her family’s dairy farm. But when a dangerous connection with an old beau forces her to move far from home, she decides to concentrate on a new start and pour her energy into reviving another family’s debt-ridden farm. Aaron Blank returns home to sell his Daed’s failing farm and move his parents into an easier lifestyle. Two things stand in his way: the father who stubbornly refuses to recognize that Aaron has changed and the determined new farmhand his parents love like a daughter. Her influence on Aaron’s parents could ruin his plans to escape the burdens of farming and build a new life. Can Aaron and Sylvia find common ground? Or will their unflinching efforts toward opposite goals blur the bigger picture— a path to forgiveness, glimpses of grace, and the promise of love.
Click here to read Chapter One
About the Author: Cindy Woodsmall is a New York Times best-selling author who has written six novels, three novellas, and Plain Wisdom, a work of nonfiction coauthored with her dearest Old Order Amish friend, Miriam Flaud. She’s been featured on ABC Nightline and the front page of the Wall Street Journal, and has worked with National Geographic on a documentary concerning Amish life. She is also a veteran homeschool mom who no longer holds that position. As her children progressed in age, her desire to write grew stronger. After working through reservations whether this desire was something she should pursue, she began her writing journey. Her husband was her staunchest supporter as she aimed for what seemed impossible. She’s won Fiction Book of the Year, Reviewer’s Choice Awards, Inspirational Reader’s Choice Contest, and was one of Crossings Best Books of the Year. She’s been a finalist for the prestigious Christy, Rita, and Carol Awards, Christian Book of the Year, and Christian Retailers Choice Awards. Want to know more about Cindy Woodsmall? Then check out her website.
My Thoughts on the Book: I have to say that this book by far exceeded my expectations!! I love reading Cindy Woodsmall and always expect her books to be good, but this one was great! From the moment I began reading the book and its characters drug me in and I could not put it down until I finished it. This particular story is full of twists and turns that you just don't expect in the average Amish novel. Not all is well in Camelot and you find romance gone bad, a single woman kissing a married man, an Amish man in rehab because of alcoholism, all topics one normally does not associate with the Amish or Mennonite world. Even though this was the third book in a series it stands alone and there is a wonderful refresher course in the beginning. If you are a lover of Amish reads then this one is definitely for you!
FTC Disclaimer: I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group’ Blogging for Books program for this review. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.
Catch and Release by Blythe Woolston - NO
Woolston, Blythe Catch and Release, 216 p. Carolrhoda Lab (Lerner), 2012. Language: R (80 swears, plus 34 ‘f’); Mature Content: R (drinking, drugs, body parts). Polly and Odd have survived a flesh-eating bacteria, but have no idea how to continue on with their lives as deformed survivors – Odd has lost his foot, Polly and eye – and both of them lost so much more than that. On a whim, Odd drags Polly out on a one day fishing trip that ends up being a road trip instead. The pair don’t even know how to connect with each other – Odd used to be a football star and Polly was just happy having a boyfriend and her perfect life all mapped out – so the road trip may or may not help either of them find a way to move on.
I understand that Polly and Odd were dealt a really crappy hand – but I felt personally assaulted on every page. And the end just left me hanging. Maybe Woolston achieved everything she was attempting to do, but I can live my life without ever reading this again. NOT RECOMMENDED. Cindy, Library Teacher
Beautiful Chaos by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl - ESSENTIAL
Garcia, Kami and Margaret Stohl Beautiful Chaos, 513 p. Little, Brown, 2011. Language: PG-13 (24 swears, 0 ‘f’); Lena Caster has done the impossible – she has claimed herself for both the light and the dark. The price, however, is being paid by the entire world, as a curse seems to have descended upon Gatlin, turning winter into one continuous dry autumn. In order for the balance to be destroyed and for Abraham Ravenwood to be defeated, “The One That is Two” must be sacrificed on the eighteenth moon. But with so many characters who have dual natures, no one is sure who the prophecy refers to. Lena and Ethan and all of the friends, relatives and enemies have a lot of work to do before that moon.
At first I was kind of put off by how slowly everything was developing within the book, but then I got to thinking about it like a train wreck or a car accident – you know it is about to happen, you can see it happening – you know it is going to be really bad when it does happen. You know you shouldn’t look, but you just can’t make yourself stop watching as everything seems to proceed in slow motion. Though I wasn’t happy with the ending (no spoilers here), I was glad that I continued reading – now I have to twiddle my thumbs and worry until book #4 appears.
THERE HAD BETTER BE A BOOK NUMBER FOUR – do you hear me Kami and Margaret???? MS, HS – ESSENTIAL. Cindy, Library Teacher
I Don't Kill ALL Plants...
There was a knock on the door and I thought, “Hooray, my Gymboree package!”
Tom was like, “Gymboree? The kids have enough clothes.”
I said, “Not a spring and summer wardrobe. What you see in their closets is for the winter.” Which, okay, was sort of a lie. But Gymboree had Gymbuck redemption and I had Gymbucks and I wasn’t about to let them go to waste. That’s like a clothing sin or something.
I opened the front door expecting to see the UPS man in his poo-colored uniform. (Seriously. They should change the UPS color to something more attractive. Like blue.)
Instead I found my neighbor standing there.
“I need a big favor,” she began and at first I thought, “Great. She wants me to watch her kid.”
I don’t mind watching people’s children. It’s just…well, actually I do mind. I’m not a fan of doing it when they are little. If they are past the age of 7, they can generally entertain themselves. Below that and they wreck havoc on my home.
“I’m going to visit my sister and I need someone to take care of my plant,” my neighbor continued. “You would just have to water it once a day. Can I drop it off Thursday?”
This is the point where I should have been like, “Lady, I kill plants. I swear they shrink away from me when they see me approaching.”
Instead I went, “Sure!”
Because I like to please people. (Which is usually why I wind up agreeing to watch kids under the age of 7.)
After she left, Tom kept tossing me a Look.
“What?” I asked. “I can take care of a plant.”
Tom, who knows all about my black thumb, looked wary.
“I can take care of a PLANT,” I insisted.
“Well,” Tom began, wondering how to approach this without getting yelled at. “You killed the Chia pet.”
Okay, that wasn’t my fault. I assumed all I had to do was slather on the seeds, water it, and it would sprout out magically like on television.
Who knew that it needed to be watered daily?
“That was an accident,” I explained.
“And,” Tom continued. “There was the plant in the singing holder that died. Even though it would start to sing when it needed water.”
I MIGHT have turned off the planter when it kept startling me with the music. I SHOULD have just watered the thing but one of the kids would act up and distract me. Thus, a deceased plant.
“I’ll remember,” I vowed.
“Basically all the plants in our yard died,” Tom prattled on.
“They were sick to begin with!”
“Please don’t kill this woman’s plant. If she really loves the thing and it dies, it’s going to be awkward,” Tom said.
“It’s not going to die! I’ll plug a reminder in my phone to water it. Okay? It’ll be okay!”
Or…people who follow me on Facebook or Twitter, give me a daily “water the plant!” comment.
I can do this.
No problem.
Please don't die!
Tom was like, “Gymboree? The kids have enough clothes.”
I said, “Not a spring and summer wardrobe. What you see in their closets is for the winter.” Which, okay, was sort of a lie. But Gymboree had Gymbuck redemption and I had Gymbucks and I wasn’t about to let them go to waste. That’s like a clothing sin or something.
I opened the front door expecting to see the UPS man in his poo-colored uniform. (Seriously. They should change the UPS color to something more attractive. Like blue.)
Instead I found my neighbor standing there.
“I need a big favor,” she began and at first I thought, “Great. She wants me to watch her kid.”
I don’t mind watching people’s children. It’s just…well, actually I do mind. I’m not a fan of doing it when they are little. If they are past the age of 7, they can generally entertain themselves. Below that and they wreck havoc on my home.
“I’m going to visit my sister and I need someone to take care of my plant,” my neighbor continued. “You would just have to water it once a day. Can I drop it off Thursday?”
This is the point where I should have been like, “Lady, I kill plants. I swear they shrink away from me when they see me approaching.”
Instead I went, “Sure!”
Because I like to please people. (Which is usually why I wind up agreeing to watch kids under the age of 7.)
After she left, Tom kept tossing me a Look.
“What?” I asked. “I can take care of a plant.”
Tom, who knows all about my black thumb, looked wary.
“I can take care of a PLANT,” I insisted.
“Well,” Tom began, wondering how to approach this without getting yelled at. “You killed the Chia pet.”
Okay, that wasn’t my fault. I assumed all I had to do was slather on the seeds, water it, and it would sprout out magically like on television.
Who knew that it needed to be watered daily?
“That was an accident,” I explained.
“And,” Tom continued. “There was the plant in the singing holder that died. Even though it would start to sing when it needed water.”
I MIGHT have turned off the planter when it kept startling me with the music. I SHOULD have just watered the thing but one of the kids would act up and distract me. Thus, a deceased plant.
“I’ll remember,” I vowed.
“Basically all the plants in our yard died,” Tom prattled on.
“They were sick to begin with!”
“Please don’t kill this woman’s plant. If she really loves the thing and it dies, it’s going to be awkward,” Tom said.
“It’s not going to die! I’ll plug a reminder in my phone to water it. Okay? It’ll be okay!”
Or…people who follow me on Facebook or Twitter, give me a daily “water the plant!” comment.
I can do this.
No problem.
Please don't die!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Everybody Sees the Ants by A.S. King - NO
King, A.S. Everybody Sees the Ants, pgs. 288. Harper Collins, 2011. $17.99 Language PG (4 swears, 0 "f" words in first 30 pages) Mature Content- PG-13/R
Lucky Lindermann isn’t very lucky. His grandmother told him he needs to find his grandfather who is a VietNam POW. His dreams become a chance to visit with GrandDad. A bully, Nader, has been after him since he was seven years old, but adults are too intimidated or uninvolved to stop him. His parents are too busy or self-absorbed to realize he needs help until after another attack, Lucky’s mom finally decides to take Lucky to Arizona to stay with her brother.
Personally, I couldn’t get past the first 30 pages. I was interested in it because it was an award winner and hopefully a war book I could pass to boys, but the constant reference to his and other characters’ genitals was uncomfortable for me. Nader has been a bully for years and although adults finally recognized his true character, they were too weak for me to believe. When Nader sexually abused a student in the locker room and it was described in more graphic detail than I needed, I decided to shut the book. HS – NO. Teacher Reviewer: Christine
Into the Trap by Craig Moodie - OPTIONAL
Moodie, Craig Into the Trap, 197 p. Roaring Brook, 2011. $17. Language: PG (3 swears, 0 ‘f’); Violence: PG (mild violence). Eddie, 12, knows that someone is stealing lobsters from the traps around Fog Island – including from his own family – and when he happens upon the lobsters and the thieves, he decides he must do something about it. With the help of Briggs, 13, an escapee from a local posh summer camp, they set off with a vague plan to capture the thieves, but everything starts falling apart and the boys find themselves accused of the crime. Now they can’t stop until they can clear their names.
Mild danger and intrigue would make this a good regional pick, for coastal areas involved in boating or the lobster trade. EL – OPTIONAL. Cindy, Library Teacher
Every Day I Fall In Love With You Again
Today is my ninth wedding anniversary and I was feeling pretty sappy this morning....so I thought I would write a little sappy poem for my cherished husband. We are the kind of couple that really do not need special days to tell each other we love each other... or give each other gifts. But today I just wanted to give Frank a little shout out. He has truly blessed my life with his presence and love. I am grateful that God thought we needed each other. We did!
Each anniversary year finds me happier than the last;
You are my heart, my light, my present, future, and past.
You define for me what love is about,
Loving you makes me want to lift my voice and shout.
Time passes, yet, our love grows deeper. I knew when I fell...you would be a keeper.
Being your wife is oh such a pleasure I love you darling, you are my favorite treasure.
God has blessed us so much in these past short nine years There have been many smiles salted briefly with tears. You fill me with wonder, you are my best friend If I could I would marry you all over again!
May God's blessings continue and we walk hand in hand You are one in a million, you are my kind of man. Whatever life deals us we will be together.... And I will love you my darling....from now til forever! Happy Anniversary, Frank! I love you!
From the first time I met you so many years ago.
I knew that I loved you, my heart told me so.
I fell hard for you then with my heart and my soul.
And it was with you that I knew I would grow old.
You are my heart, my light, my present, future, and past.
You define for me what love is about,
Loving you makes me want to lift my voice and shout.
Being your wife is oh such a pleasure
Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Tiny Fries
Since it’s the new year I decided to try something different.
I’ve decided to create a weekly post called Things That Annoy Me every Thursday.
Venting helps.
Okay, so I get that there is an issue with childhood obesity.
Jamie Oliver comes over from the UK and is like, “Oooo look at all these processed foods!”
And Michelle Obama is like, “Blah, blah, blah, unhealthy school lunches, blah, blah, blah.”
When I ordered my kid’s a Happy Meal, I was shocked at these tiny fries.
They were, too.
I mean?
There were like TEN fries in that tiny box.
Yes, there are apple slices too but NO caramel dipping sauce.
I blame the parents who complain about junk food. And Michelle Obama. Don’t punish everyone! My kids don’t get fast food all the time but when they do, they’d like a full helping of fries with their meal. Not Ewok sized.
If the new Happy Meals must remain, let it be an option to purchase the normal ones. You know, the ones that come with a proper amount of fries so I don’t have to share mine.
If people are still complaining, oh well. The folks who can’t keep their traps shut should avoid fast food places. Don’t ruin it for the rest of us. Stick to your kale chips and celery slices.
Don’t mess with our fries.
I’ve decided to create a weekly post called Things That Annoy Me every Thursday.
Venting helps.
Okay, so I get that there is an issue with childhood obesity.
Jamie Oliver comes over from the UK and is like, “Oooo look at all these processed foods!”
And Michelle Obama is like, “Blah, blah, blah, unhealthy school lunches, blah, blah, blah.”
When I ordered my kid’s a Happy Meal, I was shocked at these tiny fries.
They were, too.
I mean?
There were like TEN fries in that tiny box.
Yes, there are apple slices too but NO caramel dipping sauce.
I blame the parents who complain about junk food. And Michelle Obama. Don’t punish everyone! My kids don’t get fast food all the time but when they do, they’d like a full helping of fries with their meal. Not Ewok sized.
If the new Happy Meals must remain, let it be an option to purchase the normal ones. You know, the ones that come with a proper amount of fries so I don’t have to share mine.
If people are still complaining, oh well. The folks who can’t keep their traps shut should avoid fast food places. Don’t ruin it for the rest of us. Stick to your kale chips and celery slices.
Don’t mess with our fries.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Just Add Magic by Cindy Callaghan - ADVISABLE
Callaghan, Cindy Just Add Magic, 218 p. Simon, 2010. Content: G. Kelly, 12, and her friends Hannah and Darbie, are very excited when they discover what looks to be a magic cookbook. While the ingredients are a little strange, the weird little shop downtown seems to have everything they need. What they mix-up instead, is a whole lot of trouble. Every plan backfires and the girls are not too happy with each other.
Like everything in the MIX imprint, you get a whole lot of fun, with a clean book to enjoy. And they are at a paperback price. You can’t go wrong! EL – ADVISABLE. Cindy, Library Teacher
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