Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween - 2011
Frank and I were reminiscing about Halloweens past over the weekend and I have to admit I had some really great times back in the day. I lived in a wonderful neighborhood growing parents knew all the other people in the area....and we were allowed to stay out and play until dusk. Halloween night our parents would dress us up and we would parade, in large groups, up and down the blocks yelling, "Trick or Treat!" I always knew there would be a treat....I never even thought of having to trick someone.....and homemade goodies were a big score. I woke one day and the world had changed.....gone was the safety of neighborhoods....gone were wonderful homemade goodies.....gone were the fond memories of Halloween....I was 17. What had happened in those few short years between childhood and teenagehood? I have no clue....but people got mean. People put drugs, poison, razor blades in candy and fruit....and hurt little children. When I married and became an instant mom....I was once again able to experience Halloween the right way....there were about eight people who lived near us....I knew them all well....and Mrs. Willie V made tea cakes that were to die for. Once again the homemade items were the big score. When Kat came along we lived in an area where I did not know the neighbors and Halloween was a scarey thing....youth did ugly things to your home if they did not like what you gave I turned off my light....and took Kat to Fall Festivals at church. Halloween was over. When Katrina hit New Orleans and people came to Alex City to live in Fema Trailers at Wind Creek State Park....our church went down on Halloween and did something called Trunk or Treat for the families. It was so much fun and they were so appreciative. Last year our church did the same thing for the local kids and I had a ball. This year we have moved it to the parsonage and several families are joining us there. I am still not a huge fan of Halloween....but after Frank's sermon last night...I may be able to find something about it to enjoy. In his sermon he gave us several suggestions on how to use Halloween as a way to glorify God. "1. Don't turn out the lights and ignore it. Determine to turn a negative into a positive. 2. Stay at home, give out candy and include some information about your church. 3. Go Trick or Treating with your kids and hand out tracts. Just think about often can you go door to door on a day when almost everyone will answer the door with a pleasant attitude? 4. Play Christian music instead of scary music. 5. Have a Halloween party and have everyone dress up as their favorite Bible character. 6. Carve a cross in your pumpkin instead of a scary a candle inside it to symbolize that Jesus is the light of the world. 7. Pray! Pray for the safety of the children and their parents...and that the Gospel will go out tonight as well." You know there are always going to be those who use special events like tonight for bad deeds. There are always going to be vandals, pumpkin smashers, thieves, and toilet paper rollers....but that does not make Halloween inherently just means that the human heart has a sinful nature." Now....Halloween"s favorite memories.....we had a couple a couple of blocks over who made snow cones....we had some ladies who made wonderful always wanted to hit them early. Least favorite memories.....when they gave you pennies. I know now that for some it was a lot......but as a was not on the Billboards Top 100 of best Halloween things to get. I loved getting wax lips....wax bottles.....clove gum.....beechnut gum....back in the only got one you get the whole pack. Laurie Beth Jones, in her book, Grow Something Besides Old talks about one Halloween hight when she underestimated the number of children who would knock on her door and she ran slap out of candy. Being resourceful she began giving out quarters, nickels, and dimes. A little 5 year old princess came to her door. She had the wand, the crown, the dress, the shoes...she was perfect. Jones dropped two quarters in her pumpkin and told the little girl, "I've run our of candy, but tomorrow you can take the quarters to the store and turn them into real candy." The little girl stepped back, scowled, looked at Jones and replied, "Lady, this isn't a real wand." Don't you love it? That little princess would have been me with the pennies. Hope you have a safe and Happy Halloween. I know I am looking forward to sharing time with friends....and greeting all the little ghosts and witches that come to my door.
Happy Halloween! I Like Candy!
Happy Halloween!
The kids are aching to start Trick or Treating. Too bad they have to wait until 6.
Tommy is Mario:

(No mustache now because I was worried it wouldn’t stick again for Trick or Treating..)
He’s been obsessed with the Mario games. Granted, he lost all the Mario games for his DS so if anyone ever sells theirs please let me know. I think he lost them when we went to the beach. They must’ve fallen out of his backpack.
That’s Tommy doing Mario moves. He’s attacking Bowser.

Natalie is…
…well, see, she changed her mind a lot. First, she wanted to be a princess. Then it was Spiderman. She’s been obsessed with Spiderman. She still wants a Spiderman mask. Then she thought it would be fun to be a bee, a horse, Princess Peach (which I thought would be adorable going with Tommy's Mario costume but apparently the Princess Peach costume "was not good enough" and "smelled funny,), a doctor, a teacher, and finally when we were at Target she saw an Ariel costume and said she “loved it so much!”
So yeah.
She’s Ariel.

Complete with matching shoes. She had to show off the shoes. They even light up.

Oh, she was being a vampire mermaid here. I said she could be a vampire so long as she’s not that pansy Edward from Twilight.
So what are your kids being for Halloween? Do you dress up?
(Do you take all your favorite candy from their buckets as you go through it all?)
The kids are aching to start Trick or Treating. Too bad they have to wait until 6.
Tommy is Mario:
(No mustache now because I was worried it wouldn’t stick again for Trick or Treating..)
He’s been obsessed with the Mario games. Granted, he lost all the Mario games for his DS so if anyone ever sells theirs please let me know. I think he lost them when we went to the beach. They must’ve fallen out of his backpack.
That’s Tommy doing Mario moves. He’s attacking Bowser.
Natalie is…
…well, see, she changed her mind a lot. First, she wanted to be a princess. Then it was Spiderman. She’s been obsessed with Spiderman. She still wants a Spiderman mask. Then she thought it would be fun to be a bee, a horse, Princess Peach (which I thought would be adorable going with Tommy's Mario costume but apparently the Princess Peach costume "was not good enough" and "smelled funny,), a doctor, a teacher, and finally when we were at Target she saw an Ariel costume and said she “loved it so much!”
So yeah.
She’s Ariel.
Complete with matching shoes. She had to show off the shoes. They even light up.
Oh, she was being a vampire mermaid here. I said she could be a vampire so long as she’s not that pansy Edward from Twilight.
So what are your kids being for Halloween? Do you dress up?
(Do you take all your favorite candy from their buckets as you go through it all?)
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Looking For Great Workouts? Check Out!
I do not like working out.
I am working out because I’d like to be able to fit into my pants.
And also, I like my junk food.
So I make sure to get to the gym at least twice per week.
I was contacted by someone from to mention some fabulous ways to get a fit figure. They have some awesome DVDs coming out.
For starters, they have the Tai Cheng preorder. If you check out the site it’ll list things for you to figure out if the workout is right for you.
I wouldn’t be coordinated for that.
Although I do like to pretend I’m a Ninja at times.
And then I get that Kung Foo fighting song on my head.
But anyway. I digress.
I know some people would love this workout.
Then, there is the Les Mills Pump Workout.
This is good for people who love listening to upbeat music. I like listening to upbeat music so I think I could this.
It’s also great for people who like to set their own times for workout. That’s another plus for me.
This workout consists of high-repetition and low weighted barbell moves. Low weighted makes me happy.
Finally, there is the P90X2. I know several people who do the P90X. I’d die. I wouldn’t even attempt it.
From the site, this is about P90X2:
"Based on P90X® Muscle Confusion™, P90X2™ ups the ante by adding a training technique developed by professional sports trainers for the world's elite athletes. 12 groundbreaking workouts give you mind-blowing visible results, while building balance, agility, core strength, and athleticism."
For those who aren’t scared by that, the P90X2 is available for preorder. You can watch a video on the workout on the webpage and if you pre-order, you can get free shipping (a $19.95 value.) Plus, if you preorder you can be entered for some prizes!
Happy workouts to you all!
Now, where did I set that Twinkie?
I was not compensated by BeachBody. I was asked to post some links from the site. All opinions are my own.
I am working out because I’d like to be able to fit into my pants.
And also, I like my junk food.
So I make sure to get to the gym at least twice per week.
I was contacted by someone from to mention some fabulous ways to get a fit figure. They have some awesome DVDs coming out.
For starters, they have the Tai Cheng preorder. If you check out the site it’ll list things for you to figure out if the workout is right for you.
I wouldn’t be coordinated for that.
Although I do like to pretend I’m a Ninja at times.
And then I get that Kung Foo fighting song on my head.
But anyway. I digress.
I know some people would love this workout.
Then, there is the Les Mills Pump Workout.
This is good for people who love listening to upbeat music. I like listening to upbeat music so I think I could this.
It’s also great for people who like to set their own times for workout. That’s another plus for me.
This workout consists of high-repetition and low weighted barbell moves. Low weighted makes me happy.
Finally, there is the P90X2. I know several people who do the P90X. I’d die. I wouldn’t even attempt it.
From the site, this is about P90X2:
"Based on P90X® Muscle Confusion™, P90X2™ ups the ante by adding a training technique developed by professional sports trainers for the world's elite athletes. 12 groundbreaking workouts give you mind-blowing visible results, while building balance, agility, core strength, and athleticism."
For those who aren’t scared by that, the P90X2 is available for preorder. You can watch a video on the workout on the webpage and if you pre-order, you can get free shipping (a $19.95 value.) Plus, if you preorder you can be entered for some prizes!
Happy workouts to you all!
Now, where did I set that Twinkie?
I was not compensated by BeachBody. I was asked to post some links from the site. All opinions are my own.
Project 365 -Week 44
It is that time again....week 44 seemed to get here fast. There are only 8 weeks left in 2011 and that is so hard to believe. Where has the year gone? Want to see some more cool shots then visit Sara at her blog and you can see some truly awesome work. I have had a weird week so my pictures are a very odd combination.
Sunday, October 23rd
We had Charge Conference today and as soon as it was over we headed to Alex City to see Mary. I had not seen her in a few days and was concerned and just needed to check on her. We had a little prayer service with her and headed home.
Monday, October 24th
The Tallapoosa River in Wadley has not had a massive change of leaves....but they are beginning. I hope the wind we are expecting this weekend don't blow the leaves off before they change fully.
Tuesday, October 25th
On my way home Tuesday I remembered the historical sign in New Site....and thought I would let you know about the Battle of Emucfau. I have to tell you that my ancestors were Creek/Muscogee Indians. I am quite fascinated with the Creek Indians and their story.
Wednesday, October 26th
Wednesday I came home from school feeling ill. I spent the remainder of the afternoon in the bed.....Wednesday night our Children and Youth came to our house for a cookout and hayride. A good time seemed to have been had by all.
Thursday, October 27th
Decorations Bill put out at Mary's house. Bill is the Yard Art King and I am glad to see him trying for some sort of normalcy. Mary loves to have her yard decorated. I think the black pumpkins are frightening.
Friday, October 28th
Stopped by to see Mary before heading home. She has really gotten some lovely flowers. The Auburn ones(top) were gorgeous....and REAL! Our friend, Jo, got those and they are really something. After our brief visit I headed home because tonight we, (Marcie, Kim and I) are having a Lock In for girls at our church.
Playing Bingo with Marcie was a hit. They all tried hard to win one of the coveted prizes she had brought. No more Lock In's for me....I am way too old for this.
Saturday, October 29th
I baked apples and made cinnamon rolls today and they were both yummy. I used my Little Grandmother's Baked Apple recipe...I posted the recipe and some photos earlier in the week. Most of my Susie Homemaker Moves took place in between naps after losing so much sleep last night. This is butter braid strawberry cream cheese bread...and no I did not make it from was a frozen let it rise to twice it's size and bake...viola...even a cooking klutz like myself can do this! Hope you have a great Halloween, first week of November....and enjoy your family and friends!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
I Tender My Resignation - Effective Immediately!
I am late posting today. I have been dragging all day long....why you ask? Well...Marcie and Kim hosted a Lock In for girls last night, ages 3rd grade and up, in our fellowship hall. I helped...because I had done these before (20 years ago)....and thought..."if they can do can I." I lasted until a little after 2 this morning....I am too old for this. I had forgotten how much energy and squeals girls this age have. Energy I don't have. At 2 I told Marcie and Kim I was going home. I called Frank before I came he wouldn't shoot me....and when he answered the phone I asked, "Whatcha doin'?" He informed me..."SLEEPING." I went home...and got in the bed around 2:30...and Frank lovingly waited until I was just about out before he rolled over, tapped me on the shoulder and asked, "Whatcha' Doin'?" Point taken my dear! I lasted longer than Frank thought I would.....the girls finally went to sleep at 5 this morning......I went back at 7 to wake everybody up so we could get them ready for their 8 a.m. Mommy pick up time. I have to admit I delighted in noise as they began to stir. It reminded me of one time when my son came in very six the next morning I decided to vacuum his room with our ultra noisy Electrolux. Payback is hell! After the girls were all gone...and the fellowship hall was put back in order....I told Marcie and Kim I quit! I came home and Frank and I went to have breakfast, go the giant book sale, and Wal-mart....when we got home...11 ish....I died for the next 2 hours. It was a tough day....and I am headed to the warmth and comfort of my bed right now. Hope you all sleep well. Who invented Lock-In's anyway? Were they sadistic? After last night I have decided that they are an event a deranged individual thought up. Night all! Sweet dreams!
Friday, October 28, 2011
it Takes a Village......and I Am a Believer
I hope you forgive my rambling today. As you all know my BFF Mary has the big "C". Prognosis was not great....two years or I am going to tell you....I am a realist....but I DO fervently believe in miracles. I have come to understand however that sometime the miracle is not one we see here on earth. the State of Alabama made a most intelligent decision back during the summer to raise teachers/state employees insurance rates....a lot. Those of us who have under 25 years and cannot retire yet....are going to be crucified. Beginning January 1 our insurance will go up every month....and every year....until we do retire....and even then we will be penalized for every year we are under 65. It is a good chunk of change....AND on top of that...retirement took a 100.00 bite out of our paychecks beginning this month. Anyone who is able to retire....must submit their intent....but October 31st....or they will be nailed with the new formulas. Mary is not coming back to work...and will have to retire earlier than we had planned. Yesterday, her son Casey worked on her paperwork and ran it to the Central Office to have them fill out their part....only to find the doors locked. He was so frustrated.....he needed those papers on him when he left for Auburn at 6:30 in the morning....and it did not look like it was going to happen.....and that is where it truly does take a village comes in. I made a phone call to the CSFO of our school system and asked her where she was.....Lo and behold she was sitting at her desk at the Central Office. I explained the problem...and she said for Casey and I to come back and she would meet us downstairs and let us in.....AND fill out the much needed paperwork. A small problem arose....we needed a Notary....and the systems two had already left for the day.....I again got on the phone and began calling all my Notary friends to see if someone could help. I got my dear friend Willa....who was on her way out to dinner...but said she would take her seal with her and we could meet her at the restaurant. Problem....I could not get ahold of Casey again.....Solved...when I did get him....he informed me that Rhonda had gotten one of the system notaries, my precious friend Carolyn, and she had come back in to take care of this. This was the topper...when this was all done...Casey had what he needed to run to Montgomery today.....and yet another angel from our village stepped good friend Robert....who works at the RSA building in Montgomery....volunteered to take the papers and turn them in....since he would already be there. I am fortunate to have such wonderful friends....they rock my world and hold me got to school....and my cohorts here know I am hurting right told me she was praying for me....and another....wrapped her arms around me and held me......yep...God is good to me. Miracles can happen....I know they can.
Two Places At Once
Natalie’s teacher had sent home a letter early October stating that on the 28th, the parents ought to stay and help the kids with some pumpkin craft.
I admit, I was like, “Ugh, a craft?” Because I am not crafty. In the least. I imagined myself standing there while all the Perfect Mother’s effortlessly glued buttons and sprinkled on glitter like it was no big deal. And then there I’d be with a button accidentally glued to my cheek and glitter down my shirt.
But, obviously I was going to stay. I might hate crafts but I wasn’t about to let Natalie stand there all alone while everyone else had someone. So I said I’d be there and told Natalie, “Please don’t get upset if our project doesn’t turn out. It’s how much fun you’re having making it that counts. Not the outcome.”
Natalie was like, “I want it to be pretty.”
And I said, “Well. If not, we’ll cover the thing with sparkles.”
So yeah. I planned to be there.
But then two days ago Tommy comes home with a paper saying that he made the Teacher’s Honor Roll.
And that the ceremony was on the 28th
At 3.
The same time I’d be struggling at craft time with Natalie.
Tom couldn’t help. He had work. Unfortunately even though the Air Force is like, “Yeah, we’re family oriented!” they frown upon the only dog handler on shift going, “Can I see my kid get the Honor Roll?” Because suppose some crazy guy tries to come on the base with a bomb and Tom isn’t there to stop it?
*Le Sigh*
So it was just me.
I told Tommy, “I already promised your sister so I might not be there.”
He said it was fine but he looked sad and I immediately felt like crap and ate 3 Reeses Peanut Butter Cups to feel better.
Then I thought, “How can I be in two places at once?” I pictured an episode of Full House where Danny had to be at DJ and Stephanie’s thing and he ran from one school to the other. Granted, I don’t think it ended well. Didn’t he pass out and miss them both?
I’d probably pass out if I did that. They are in two separate schools, 10 minutes apart by CAR. I might be working out in the gym but I’m not THAT in shape. I wish I had Captain America’s powers. I watched it last night and after he got his injections he could suddenly run incredibly fast. If I had his powers, I COULD run from one school to the other with my buff chest and awesome circular shield. (Wait. There wouldn’t be a shield, would there?)
Anyway, I decided to tell Natalie’s teacher that we’d be leaving early. She seemed okay with it but I have a feeling Natalie will be miffed if we leave before finishing her pumpkin and this is more likely if I have to follow steps to make the thing. I’m awful with making ANYTHING. Even basic stuff. So I’ll probably leave with Natalie screaming in my arms while I say, “We have to get to your brother’s school. Pipe down!” and she’ll be all, “But my pumpkin IS NOT DONE YET and you wouldn’t buy me the SINGING RAPUNZEL DOLL!” Granted, that last part has nothing to do with anything but she’s been harboring anger over that one for quite some time even though I’ve explained if she behaves that Santa might bring it to her.
I haven’t promised Tommy that we’d be there just in case. I’d feel worse if I absolutely vowed that I’d be there and something happened. I told him I’d try very hard.
Wish me luck.
Have you ever had to be in two places at once?
I admit, I was like, “Ugh, a craft?” Because I am not crafty. In the least. I imagined myself standing there while all the Perfect Mother’s effortlessly glued buttons and sprinkled on glitter like it was no big deal. And then there I’d be with a button accidentally glued to my cheek and glitter down my shirt.
But, obviously I was going to stay. I might hate crafts but I wasn’t about to let Natalie stand there all alone while everyone else had someone. So I said I’d be there and told Natalie, “Please don’t get upset if our project doesn’t turn out. It’s how much fun you’re having making it that counts. Not the outcome.”
Natalie was like, “I want it to be pretty.”
And I said, “Well. If not, we’ll cover the thing with sparkles.”
So yeah. I planned to be there.
But then two days ago Tommy comes home with a paper saying that he made the Teacher’s Honor Roll.
And that the ceremony was on the 28th
At 3.
The same time I’d be struggling at craft time with Natalie.
Tom couldn’t help. He had work. Unfortunately even though the Air Force is like, “Yeah, we’re family oriented!” they frown upon the only dog handler on shift going, “Can I see my kid get the Honor Roll?” Because suppose some crazy guy tries to come on the base with a bomb and Tom isn’t there to stop it?
*Le Sigh*
So it was just me.
I told Tommy, “I already promised your sister so I might not be there.”
He said it was fine but he looked sad and I immediately felt like crap and ate 3 Reeses Peanut Butter Cups to feel better.
Then I thought, “How can I be in two places at once?” I pictured an episode of Full House where Danny had to be at DJ and Stephanie’s thing and he ran from one school to the other. Granted, I don’t think it ended well. Didn’t he pass out and miss them both?
I’d probably pass out if I did that. They are in two separate schools, 10 minutes apart by CAR. I might be working out in the gym but I’m not THAT in shape. I wish I had Captain America’s powers. I watched it last night and after he got his injections he could suddenly run incredibly fast. If I had his powers, I COULD run from one school to the other with my buff chest and awesome circular shield. (Wait. There wouldn’t be a shield, would there?)
Anyway, I decided to tell Natalie’s teacher that we’d be leaving early. She seemed okay with it but I have a feeling Natalie will be miffed if we leave before finishing her pumpkin and this is more likely if I have to follow steps to make the thing. I’m awful with making ANYTHING. Even basic stuff. So I’ll probably leave with Natalie screaming in my arms while I say, “We have to get to your brother’s school. Pipe down!” and she’ll be all, “But my pumpkin IS NOT DONE YET and you wouldn’t buy me the SINGING RAPUNZEL DOLL!” Granted, that last part has nothing to do with anything but she’s been harboring anger over that one for quite some time even though I’ve explained if she behaves that Santa might bring it to her.
I haven’t promised Tommy that we’d be there just in case. I’d feel worse if I absolutely vowed that I’d be there and something happened. I told him I’d try very hard.
Wish me luck.
Have you ever had to be in two places at once?
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Serita Jakes, The Crossing - A Spellbinder

Format: Trade Paperback
ISBN: 9781400073030
Categories: Fiction - Contemporary Women
About the Book: I have to admit The Crossing is not one of the prettiest stories I have read, nor does it have the happily ever after, feel good ending the reader might expect. Actually it is a gritty, down-to-earth, real life narrative in which B.J. Remington, a teacher and Cheerleader Coach is killed on a bus coming home from a football game. Now it is ten years later and her murder has yet to be solved and her death is still impacting those on the bus that fateful night. Two of the students on the bus that fateful night experience symptoms of PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). Claudia Campbell, the bus driver, experiences increasing bouts of anxiety attacks. Casio Hightower, the police officer who responded to the call that dreadful night struggles with out-of-control bursts of rage that physically harm the people he loves most. Now, Victor, Claudia, and Casio find themselves embarking on an investigation leading to much more than they bargained for when the ADA, Victor (Claudia’s husband) re-opens the case. As their investigation unfolds, so do many old memories and emotions, only to find in the end, that things are not always what they seem to be.
My thoughts: I have read many books by Bishop T.D. Jakes but this was my first by his wife, Serita Jakes. I was pleasantly surprised and although The Crossing was very different from most books I usually choose, I would highly recommend it for its honest and insightful look at how one event can change a life forever. I enjoyed reading The Crossing. The story immediately caught my attention and held my interest. Please be forewarned it is not your traditional light-hearted Christian fiction. The characters deal with real issues (Depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, anger issues, drunkenness, high spending, adultery, etc., etc.) and their portrayals are honest. It's probably not the story for the reader who wants a happy ending, but the depth and honesty of the characters and events makes the story magnetic.
Disclosure:I received a copy of this book from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group in exchange for my review. No other compensation was received. All opinions are 100% my own and may differ from others.
The Shed Pal Sucks
You see the ads on television for all sorts of strange things.
--Wash cloths that can apparently hold 15 gallons of water.
--Pans that can make the perfect brownie.
--Some thing that looks like a torture device that can make awesome spaghetti
--A kitchen that can clean itself. (Well. I haven’t seen this yet. But I’d like one.)
My husband and I were intrigued by something called a Shed Pal.
Confused? (I swear, it’s not a sex toy. I posted this picture on Facebook and people were like, “Um, why are you sharing a photo of your private toys?”)
A Shed Pal is supposed to help clean up the fur your pet sheds. The commercial (I'll share the link here and you'll see how misleading it is) shows the thing suctioning up fur effortlessly while the animal sits there with a baffled what-the-hell is going on expression. (I’d wonder the same. Especially if I was sitting there minding my own business and suddenly there’s a camera in my face and some chick is suctioning up my hair. It’s like, excuse me, shouldn’t we exchange numbers first?)
Tom and I found the Shed Pal at Wal-Mart. We plunked down 19.95 and eagerly took it home to try on our cat Max. Who sheds a lot. And by a lot I mean our brown couch will turn orange after he sits down on it for awhile.
So we find Max and he’s in the middle of giving himself a bath. He sees Tom taking the Shed Pal out of its packaging and pauses mid-lick. He gives us a look like, “WTF?”
“We’re going to vacuum up your fur,” Tom told him. And honestly, that statement would have scared me, too. That’s like someone saying, “Hey. I’m going to vacuum your leg hair.” Or, “It’s time to have a bikini wax.”
Max, because he’s a cat, just blinked at us as Tom started brushing his fur to loosen it. He likes this. His eyes started to close in ecstasy and he got the same expression I get whenever I consume chocolate. Mmm, chocolate. You know what sounds good? A Boston Cream donut from Dunkin Donuts.
But back to the story.
After Max’s fur was brushed Tom brought over the Shed Pal. He switched it on and this small whirling sound filled the room. Actually, it didn’t even fill the room. Maybe a couple of inches of it. And then Tom brought the thing towards Max because it’s supposed to vacuum all the loose fur so it doesn’t wind up on your furniture, floors, you, and other places where cat fur should not be.
I guess Shed Pal forgot the promises that it had on the commercial because the suction SUCKED. Or, in this case, it didn’t suck. It had the tiniest suction known to man and struggled to inhale an itty bitty piece of Max’s fur. For awhile it spun around and around on the opening before finally entering the chamber. It took about five minutes for it to do so. It didn't groom at all.
At this point Tom was crushed because the commercial LIED to him. (He was seriously excited about the Shed Pal. He was like, “Wow, neat, now we won’t have to deal with Max’s fur everywhere!” And at that moment, he realized, crap, we WILL have to deal with Max’s fur everywhere.”)
So in the end, we made a vow to never purchase those Made for TV things ever again.
Unless it’s very cool, like a gun that shoots piranhas. (That’s from Tom. And yes, that gun was in Despicable Me and Tom thinks it’s one of the coolest things EVER..)
Or if it’s something that can shut the children up for an hour so we can have a conversation without being interrupted. (Yes. I get there is something called a television but that doesn’t always work. Maybe something like a virtual Mary Poppins will be invented and Mary will be like, “Feed the birds, lalala, and a spoon full of sugar..” I’d buy that.)
So have you ever bought a Made for TV item? If so, did it work?
--Wash cloths that can apparently hold 15 gallons of water.
--Pans that can make the perfect brownie.
--Some thing that looks like a torture device that can make awesome spaghetti
--A kitchen that can clean itself. (Well. I haven’t seen this yet. But I’d like one.)
My husband and I were intrigued by something called a Shed Pal.
Confused? (I swear, it’s not a sex toy. I posted this picture on Facebook and people were like, “Um, why are you sharing a photo of your private toys?”)
A Shed Pal is supposed to help clean up the fur your pet sheds. The commercial (I'll share the link here and you'll see how misleading it is) shows the thing suctioning up fur effortlessly while the animal sits there with a baffled what-the-hell is going on expression. (I’d wonder the same. Especially if I was sitting there minding my own business and suddenly there’s a camera in my face and some chick is suctioning up my hair. It’s like, excuse me, shouldn’t we exchange numbers first?)
Tom and I found the Shed Pal at Wal-Mart. We plunked down 19.95 and eagerly took it home to try on our cat Max. Who sheds a lot. And by a lot I mean our brown couch will turn orange after he sits down on it for awhile.
So we find Max and he’s in the middle of giving himself a bath. He sees Tom taking the Shed Pal out of its packaging and pauses mid-lick. He gives us a look like, “WTF?”
“We’re going to vacuum up your fur,” Tom told him. And honestly, that statement would have scared me, too. That’s like someone saying, “Hey. I’m going to vacuum your leg hair.” Or, “It’s time to have a bikini wax.”
Max, because he’s a cat, just blinked at us as Tom started brushing his fur to loosen it. He likes this. His eyes started to close in ecstasy and he got the same expression I get whenever I consume chocolate. Mmm, chocolate. You know what sounds good? A Boston Cream donut from Dunkin Donuts.
But back to the story.
After Max’s fur was brushed Tom brought over the Shed Pal. He switched it on and this small whirling sound filled the room. Actually, it didn’t even fill the room. Maybe a couple of inches of it. And then Tom brought the thing towards Max because it’s supposed to vacuum all the loose fur so it doesn’t wind up on your furniture, floors, you, and other places where cat fur should not be.
I guess Shed Pal forgot the promises that it had on the commercial because the suction SUCKED. Or, in this case, it didn’t suck. It had the tiniest suction known to man and struggled to inhale an itty bitty piece of Max’s fur. For awhile it spun around and around on the opening before finally entering the chamber. It took about five minutes for it to do so. It didn't groom at all.
At this point Tom was crushed because the commercial LIED to him. (He was seriously excited about the Shed Pal. He was like, “Wow, neat, now we won’t have to deal with Max’s fur everywhere!” And at that moment, he realized, crap, we WILL have to deal with Max’s fur everywhere.”)
So in the end, we made a vow to never purchase those Made for TV things ever again.
Unless it’s very cool, like a gun that shoots piranhas. (That’s from Tom. And yes, that gun was in Despicable Me and Tom thinks it’s one of the coolest things EVER..)
Or if it’s something that can shut the children up for an hour so we can have a conversation without being interrupted. (Yes. I get there is something called a television but that doesn’t always work. Maybe something like a virtual Mary Poppins will be invented and Mary will be like, “Feed the birds, lalala, and a spoon full of sugar..” I’d buy that.)
So have you ever bought a Made for TV item? If so, did it work?
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Winnie The Pooh DVD Giveaway! **CLOSED
**CLOSED...winner posted here**
It’s true.
My favorite character in Winnie the Pooh is Eeyore. I think we can all relate to Eeyore. I know I’ve had days when I just want to mope around and be like, “Woe is me.”
Plus, Eeyore’s face cracks me up. It reminds me of my children’s face when I tell them no more television for the night because if I have to watch Spongebob fail another driver’s test, I might scream.
Do you like Winnie the Pooh?
If so, you’re in luck. DBA West/Partners Hub is giving away a DVD/Blu Ray Combo Pack!
Here’s some info about the movie from
"Author A.A. Milne's beloved bear, Winnie the Pooh, joins forces with his friends from the Hundred Acre Wood to help two of their own in Disney's hand-drawn charmer. Though he describes himself as a "bear of very little brain," Pooh (Jim Cummings) proves he's all heart when sad-sack Eeyore's tail goes missing and a terrible creature called the "Backson" abducts Christopher Robin (Jack Boulter), their human protector (the schoolboy actually leaves a note saying he will be "back soon"). Granted, our hero spends the entire journey dreaming about glorious pots of "hunny," but when push comes to shove, he prioritizes his pals over his tummy, which rumbles and expands as his hunger pangs increase. Wisely, co-directors Don Hall and Stephen J. Anderson avoid the distraction of instantly recognizable actors in favor of animation veterans, like Tom Kenny (SpongeBob SquarePants), who voices the resourceful Rabbit. While Sebastian Cabot narrated the Winnie featurettes of yore, comedian John Cleese, who sometimes speaks directly to Pooh, ably steps into his shoes, and talk-show host Craig Ferguson also makes a mark as the know-it-all Owl. At 68 minutes, not including short film "The Ballad of Nessie," this John Lasseter-produced feature should captivate most young viewers, even those accustomed to faster-paced, computer-animated features, like Lasseter's directorial efforts for Pixar. Musician M. Ward and singer/actress Zooey Deschanel of the band She & Him add to the old-fashioned charm with their retro-sounding songs. And be sure to stay through the closing credits for the funny surprise at the end."
Sounds awesome, right?
For added information, check out this widget!
Giveaway Rules
--Must be 18 or older
--Must live in the US
--No PO Boxes
Mandatory Entry: Who is your favorite Winnie the Pooh character and why?
Bonus Entries:
--Take the personality quiz in the widget and tell me what character it came up with!
--Become a fan for the Winnie the Pooh Facebook page
Please leave a separate comment for each entry and PLEASE have your e-mail linked up to your blog so I can contact you if you win. If not, please put your e-mail in your comment.
Winner will be announced November 1st and I MUST have your info then.
Thank you and good luck!
It’s true.
My favorite character in Winnie the Pooh is Eeyore. I think we can all relate to Eeyore. I know I’ve had days when I just want to mope around and be like, “Woe is me.”
Plus, Eeyore’s face cracks me up. It reminds me of my children’s face when I tell them no more television for the night because if I have to watch Spongebob fail another driver’s test, I might scream.
Do you like Winnie the Pooh?
If so, you’re in luck. DBA West/Partners Hub is giving away a DVD/Blu Ray Combo Pack!
Here’s some info about the movie from
"Author A.A. Milne's beloved bear, Winnie the Pooh, joins forces with his friends from the Hundred Acre Wood to help two of their own in Disney's hand-drawn charmer. Though he describes himself as a "bear of very little brain," Pooh (Jim Cummings) proves he's all heart when sad-sack Eeyore's tail goes missing and a terrible creature called the "Backson" abducts Christopher Robin (Jack Boulter), their human protector (the schoolboy actually leaves a note saying he will be "back soon"). Granted, our hero spends the entire journey dreaming about glorious pots of "hunny," but when push comes to shove, he prioritizes his pals over his tummy, which rumbles and expands as his hunger pangs increase. Wisely, co-directors Don Hall and Stephen J. Anderson avoid the distraction of instantly recognizable actors in favor of animation veterans, like Tom Kenny (SpongeBob SquarePants), who voices the resourceful Rabbit. While Sebastian Cabot narrated the Winnie featurettes of yore, comedian John Cleese, who sometimes speaks directly to Pooh, ably steps into his shoes, and talk-show host Craig Ferguson also makes a mark as the know-it-all Owl. At 68 minutes, not including short film "The Ballad of Nessie," this John Lasseter-produced feature should captivate most young viewers, even those accustomed to faster-paced, computer-animated features, like Lasseter's directorial efforts for Pixar. Musician M. Ward and singer/actress Zooey Deschanel of the band She & Him add to the old-fashioned charm with their retro-sounding songs. And be sure to stay through the closing credits for the funny surprise at the end."
Sounds awesome, right?
For added information, check out this widget!
Giveaway Rules
--Must be 18 or older
--Must live in the US
--No PO Boxes
Mandatory Entry: Who is your favorite Winnie the Pooh character and why?
Bonus Entries:
--Take the personality quiz in the widget and tell me what character it came up with!
--Become a fan for the Winnie the Pooh Facebook page
Please leave a separate comment for each entry and PLEASE have your e-mail linked up to your blog so I can contact you if you win. If not, please put your e-mail in your comment.
Winner will be announced November 1st and I MUST have your info then.
Thank you and good luck!
Hodge Podge - Vol 50
Today is Hodge Podge Day and can you believe it....this is Volume 50. That is cause for a big head over to Joyce's blog and join in the party! Her questions this week are a riot and many of them deal with Halloween, fall, and things that go bump in the night. Enjoy reading my responses to her questions. Happy Wednesday to All!
7. Are you at all superstitious? Not really….although black cats give me the heebie jeebies.
1. What gives you goosebumps? Unexplained noises in the dark.
2. Halloween-are you a lover or a hater? Okay, that sounds harsh...Halloween-yay or nay? Nay! Halloween used to be a fun and safe time for children….that time has long past. I love the Fall Festivals that churches are having more and more.
3. Can you respect someone you do not trust, and can you trust someone you do not respect? No! Nuff said!
4. Apples or oranges? Yes, you have to choose. Ok, Ok, I will choose. Apples always, but.....I love Temple oranges when they are in season.5. What is something you wish was in your town? (shop, restaurant, attraction, etc) Anything! Have you ever been to Roanoke, AL? It is the town time forgot. I want a movie theater…nearest one is 30 miles away, I would love a bowling alley, I would love a Starbucks…..I would love places to shop….besides Walmart and Catos. I want a decent hospital too.
6. What non-food item is in your refrigerator or freezer? There is a folder with medical information about Frank and I for the Lifeflight (helicopter service). And some Yellow Dot information too.7. Are you at all superstitious? Not really….although black cats give me the heebie jeebies.
8. What is your favorite fall thing to do? Mine is riding through the mountains and breathing in the smells of fall and seeing the gorgeous colors of fall. Growing up in South Florida I missed seeing those things….and I have a lot of time to make up for.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Hermie's Blessings
Book Description: Meet Little Hermie—the cutest baby caterpillar in the garden! Little Hermie’s thankful heart shows toddlers how to be thankful for God’s blessings. Little Hermie is thankful for everything God has given him. He goes through his day thanking God for his many blessings in this adorable board book with flocking on the cover! With over 5.5 million brands units sold, the new Little Hermie books open the wonderful world of the Hermie & Friends garden to an entirely new audience.
About the Author: Max Lucado loves words – written, spoken – it does not matter. He loves to craft sentences that are memorable, inspiring and hopefully life-changing. In almost 25 years of writing, more than 100 million products—80 million books—filled with his words have been sold. Want to know more about this phenomenal author and his writings then visit his website:
My Thoughts: Even though this book was a children's book the message was one even an adult needs to hear from time to time. Hermie the caterpillar is a great teacher with the help of author, Max Lucado in showing the reader that we truly do need to be grateful for all of our blessings. This book would make a wonderful gift for a small child this Christmas. I know I am going to give several copies.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255Making Some Baked Apples - Yummmmo
It's apple season in Tennessee and I love nothing more than a good in-season apple. When we were visiting Chuck and Susan last week, Chucks parents had been up to Cosby, TN and brought back some amazing apples. I have eaten three of mine so far and am making baked apples tonight. I can't mouth is watering already just thinking about it. I love to make.....and eat baked apples. the apples I am going to use are huge....they are Jonathons and so firm. The recipe is one my dad gave me several years ago....25 to be exact. He and I shared a grand passion for baked apples.
- 4 large good baking apples, such as Rome Beauty, Golden Delicious, Jonathan, or Jonagold (there are several others out there....these are the ones we always use.)
- 1/4 cup brown sugar
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1/4 cup chopped pecans
- 1 Tbsp butter
- 3/4 cup boiling water
1 Preheat oven to 375°F. Wash apples. Remove cores to 1/2 inch of the bottom of the apples. It helps if you have an apple corer(I love mine), but if not, you can use a paring knife to cut out first the stem area, and then the core. Use a spoon to dig out the seeds. Make the holes about 3/4-inch to an inch wide.
2 In a small bowl, combine the sugar, cinnamon, and pecans. Place apples in a 8-inch-by-8-inch square baking pan. Stuff each apple with this mixture. Top with a dot of butter (1/4 of the Tbps).
3 Add boiling water to the baking pan. Bake 30-40 minutes, until tender, but not mushy. Remove from the oven and baste the apples several times with the pan juices. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream on the side.
Options: I have also put them in a bowl....with a scoop of vanilla ice cream...and drizzled some caramel ice cream sauce over it. Believe is heavenly!
Yummmo! I do have to say....smelling the apples bake makes me miss my dad. This was our favorite thing to make together....and dad was a much better cook than my mom. She was good...he was awesome!
Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!
I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. If you do it, make sure you link up! (And make sure when you link up, you actually have an Hey, It's Okay post up, please.)
To hate when makeovers cut almost all the woman’s hair off. I can understand a little but most of the time it’s a dramatic haircut. It doesn’t always make things better because some of those cuts take a lot of time to style.
To like the new McDonalds shake Sweet Autumn. It tastes like pumpkin. But nothing is as good as a pumpkin spice frappuccino from Starbucks. However, the shake at McDonalds is much cheaper…
To know Tom is excited to pick up his Battlefield 3 game at GameStop. It came with a free map. Or something.
To always add sugar to my cereal because I hate milk. It helps sweeten the milk so I can handle it.
To think Parenting magazine was a tad confused when they suggested adding mangos to quesadillas for added vitamins. That sounds disgusting. I’ll just stick to cheese.
To love diners. There’s a really good one by Tom’s grandparent’s house called Oh Boys in Ohio.
To still be upset with Angry Birds. I can’t beat it! Tom did and now he’s trying to go back and get 3 stars on each level. I’m lucky if I get one.
To be glad my kids don’t go to school in France. They’ve banned ketchup since it’s unhealthy. What the crap ever. It’s KETCHUP. Natalie loves the stuff and she’d be horrified if she couldn’t have any with her fries. (I'm kidding though, I'm sure the schools are fantastic...but my kids need their ketchup..)
To hate when makeovers cut almost all the woman’s hair off. I can understand a little but most of the time it’s a dramatic haircut. It doesn’t always make things better because some of those cuts take a lot of time to style.
To like the new McDonalds shake Sweet Autumn. It tastes like pumpkin. But nothing is as good as a pumpkin spice frappuccino from Starbucks. However, the shake at McDonalds is much cheaper…
To know Tom is excited to pick up his Battlefield 3 game at GameStop. It came with a free map. Or something.
To always add sugar to my cereal because I hate milk. It helps sweeten the milk so I can handle it.
To think Parenting magazine was a tad confused when they suggested adding mangos to quesadillas for added vitamins. That sounds disgusting. I’ll just stick to cheese.
To love diners. There’s a really good one by Tom’s grandparent’s house called Oh Boys in Ohio.
To still be upset with Angry Birds. I can’t beat it! Tom did and now he’s trying to go back and get 3 stars on each level. I’m lucky if I get one.
To be glad my kids don’t go to school in France. They’ve banned ketchup since it’s unhealthy. What the crap ever. It’s KETCHUP. Natalie loves the stuff and she’d be horrified if she couldn’t have any with her fries. (I'm kidding though, I'm sure the schools are fantastic...but my kids need their ketchup..)
Monday, October 24, 2011
Lonestar Angel Review
About the Book: Years ago Eden and Clay Larson's baby was stolen. Kidnappers demanded a ransom, but something went horribly wrong at the exchange: the kidnapper's car crashed into the river and was never recovered. Eden blamed herself, Clay lost himself in work. Their young and rocky marriage ended. Or so Eden thought. Now she's met Kent. He's everything Clay wasn't: funny, stable, and eager to please her. Just as he's about to propose marriage at a romantic dinner, Clay arrives and tells Eden she can't marry Kent. She's still married to him. He never signed the divorce decree. Even more earth-shattering than this news is that he's never stopped looking for Brianna. Based on a tip, he thinks their daughter is in Bluebird, Texas, at a youth ranch. All five little girls there are the right age, but he's not sure which is Brianna. To discover the truth, the couple becomes counselors to the girls at Bluebird Ranch. They move into small quarters in the bunkhouse and oversee the kids as they try to find out more. As they work together, their love for the children grows and their love for each other is rekindled. But as danger closes in, Eden and Clay realize they've been lured to this remote West Texas location; their lives and the lives of the little girls are in danger. But as Eden learns, "hope does not disappoint."
About the Author: Colleen Cobbles genres include romance, suspense, and historical. Coble's novels have won or finaled in awards ranging from the Best Books of Indiana, ACFW Book of the Year, RWA’s RITA, the Holt Medallion, the Daphne du Maurier, National Readers' Choice, and the Booksellers Best. She has nearly 2 million books in print and writes romantic mysteries because she loves to see justice prevail. She lives with her husband Dave in Indiana.

My Thoughts: From the moment I began the novel I was hooked. I felt my heart wrenching for Eden and Clay as they began their journey to find each other and their missing child. There were a great many twists and turns in the story that kept me sitting on the edge of my chair. I would recommend this novel to anyone who loves suspense with a romantic kick. Loved it!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255
Back From The 16 Hour Road Trip
I’m back from my 16 hour road trip.
We got in last night.
I’m still half asleep so I’ll recap how it went.
Number of times I thought my butt was going to fall asleep from sitting so long: 6
Number of times I ate junk food so I probably gained all the weight I’ve lost in the gym back: Errr...lost count...nothing is as good as a milkshake on a long car drive..hello expanding half asleep from sitting so long butt.
Number of times the kids fought: none. Shocking. It was because Tom was with me. Had I done the drive on my own, they’d have turned into mini ninjas and toys and food would have been flying back and forth and someone probably would have been tossed out the window. (Possibly me. I could see the kids revolting, throwing me out the window, and driving off with the car.)
Number of times I thought we’d get stranded on the side of the road and die from the hands of an insane murderer: once. We were close to running out of gas at 10 at night and the next station was 28 miles away. The light on Tom’s truck had come on and I was like, “Holy crap, we’ll have to pull over, Tom will go find gas and leave us here, a deranged man will pull up beside us, take us, kill us, and toss our remains in the woods." Luckily this didn’t happen and we could gas right in time. So phew. No deranged killer.
Number of times I watched GI Joe Therapy On YouTube: Many. I turned the volume up so Tom could hear. We cracked up. Seriously. Look up GI Joe Therapy on YouTube. The Army Ranger guy is the funniest. He rants about grown men who wear crocs. I'm a little concerned when a grown man wears crocs, too.
Number of times I cursed at other cars: er…lost count. But some people need to learn to drive. Pulling right in front of people with NO SIGNAL is rude. And dangerous. But mostly rude. And yes, that was my middle finger waving at you.
Number of times I drove: none. I was just sympathetic to the other assholes on the road that Tom had to deal with. I don’t drive because A) I don’t like driving the truck—it’s too big and B) I go the speed limit and Tom thinks this is too slow. He goes between 5-10 over and if I drive he’d be like, “Oh my GOD, it is okay to go a little above 70.” And then I’d have said, “I am making a good example for the kids and following the rules,” and TOM would have said, “YOU’LL MAKE THE 16 HOUR TRIP 18 HOURS IF YOU KEEP DRIVING LIKE THIS!” Then I’d cry, he’d sulk because I was crying, and one of the kids would probably throw up just because. So yeah. It’s better he just drives.
Number of times we were hugged by Tom’s family members who were shocked that we drove out for one day: lost count. It was nice to see everyone. Some people had never seen Natalie in person before. She wasn’t shy at all. She just climbed on available laps and showed off her toys. (“This is my Rapunzel doll. She has long hair. She wears a purple dress. I wish it were blue. She has a friend named Pascal. I bet he smells. Rapunzel loves Flynn Ryder but his real name is Eugene Fitzherbert. I like that name better. My brother’s middle name is Eugene.”
Number of times we said that we’d never make the 16 hour drive again: none. It was worth it. We'll do it again sometime.
We got in last night.
I’m still half asleep so I’ll recap how it went.
Number of times I thought my butt was going to fall asleep from sitting so long: 6
Number of times I ate junk food so I probably gained all the weight I’ve lost in the gym back: Errr...lost count...nothing is as good as a milkshake on a long car drive..hello expanding half asleep from sitting so long butt.
Number of times the kids fought: none. Shocking. It was because Tom was with me. Had I done the drive on my own, they’d have turned into mini ninjas and toys and food would have been flying back and forth and someone probably would have been tossed out the window. (Possibly me. I could see the kids revolting, throwing me out the window, and driving off with the car.)
Number of times I thought we’d get stranded on the side of the road and die from the hands of an insane murderer: once. We were close to running out of gas at 10 at night and the next station was 28 miles away. The light on Tom’s truck had come on and I was like, “Holy crap, we’ll have to pull over, Tom will go find gas and leave us here, a deranged man will pull up beside us, take us, kill us, and toss our remains in the woods." Luckily this didn’t happen and we could gas right in time. So phew. No deranged killer.
Number of times I watched GI Joe Therapy On YouTube: Many. I turned the volume up so Tom could hear. We cracked up. Seriously. Look up GI Joe Therapy on YouTube. The Army Ranger guy is the funniest. He rants about grown men who wear crocs. I'm a little concerned when a grown man wears crocs, too.
Number of times I cursed at other cars: er…lost count. But some people need to learn to drive. Pulling right in front of people with NO SIGNAL is rude. And dangerous. But mostly rude. And yes, that was my middle finger waving at you.
Number of times I drove: none. I was just sympathetic to the other assholes on the road that Tom had to deal with. I don’t drive because A) I don’t like driving the truck—it’s too big and B) I go the speed limit and Tom thinks this is too slow. He goes between 5-10 over and if I drive he’d be like, “Oh my GOD, it is okay to go a little above 70.” And then I’d have said, “I am making a good example for the kids and following the rules,” and TOM would have said, “YOU’LL MAKE THE 16 HOUR TRIP 18 HOURS IF YOU KEEP DRIVING LIKE THIS!” Then I’d cry, he’d sulk because I was crying, and one of the kids would probably throw up just because. So yeah. It’s better he just drives.
Number of times we were hugged by Tom’s family members who were shocked that we drove out for one day: lost count. It was nice to see everyone. Some people had never seen Natalie in person before. She wasn’t shy at all. She just climbed on available laps and showed off her toys. (“This is my Rapunzel doll. She has long hair. She wears a purple dress. I wish it were blue. She has a friend named Pascal. I bet he smells. Rapunzel loves Flynn Ryder but his real name is Eugene Fitzherbert. I like that name better. My brother’s middle name is Eugene.”
Number of times we said that we’d never make the 16 hour drive again: none. It was worth it. We'll do it again sometime.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Project 365 - Week 43
Here we are at week 43. Our host, Sara, has posted a great set of photos and I would love for you all to go and see what everyone else has been doing this week. If you are interested.....or a wee bit curious then head over to Sara's blog and check out the photo offerings. I have been traveling this week since it was my fall break and I hope I don't bore you with my choices...I just could not decide which ones to use. Hope you enjoy them.
Sunday, October 16th
Today was Lay Speaker Sunday and I spoke at Rock Mills. My scripture came from Lamentations 3:21-24. My sermon was entitled 'Great Is Thy Faithfulness." I sang the hymn right before I spoke. Mrs. Beth played for me on the new piano our church just purchased. It is lovely and sounds awesome.
Monday, October 17th
Frank's Fire Dept. did an inservice for the children at Rock Mills today. He taught them about Stop, Drop, and Roll (when he actually showed them how to do it....they all laughed). He and Jennifer then had a race to see who could get in their gear first. Jennifer won because Frank's boot was not cooperating. I took pictures of the kids trying on their was a fun morning and I was so proud of my husband.
Tuesday, October 18th
We left early this morning headed to Chuck and Susan's in Knoxville. We met Susan at Wild Wing Cafe for lunch and then she went back to work and Frank and I headed on to her house. I have my own key and can come and go as we want. We waited for the two of them to get there and I thought some pictures of a few of the cool things Chuck got on one of his mission trips in Brazil would make a nice shot for the day.
Wednesday, October 19th
It was a gross day. If it was not was really we changed our plans and we went shopping, had Starbucks coffee, looked at decorations, rode up to Wears Valley area, played with Mr. Aaron (Susan's new grandson), visited with Jan (Susan's daughter), and I got to meet my blogging friend, Mary, at Shoney's for dessert. Chuck and Susan had a business meeting at church so while they were gone we rode over to the airport area and met Mary. It was so exciting to finally meet her. She is just as lovely as I thought she would be.
Thursday, October 20th
We made it to Cades Cove was still very foggy....but occasionally the sun would break through and I would grab a fall foliage picture, or some turkey, or the lone doe. It was a long and tedious trip through the Cove since it is peak season and everyone else decided to go today too. After the Cove we went to the Craftsman's Fair in Gatlinburg and headed back to Susan's. I attended Bible Study with her tonight at her church and the guys went out for Chinese food.
Friday, October 21st
Chuck was off today so we loaded up early, headed to Shoney's for breakfast and then headed up into the mountains. Today we are going to do the Dragon. It is an 11 mile stretch of road with 318 curves. Small cars and motorcycles love this stretch of road. The HHR did remarkable on it. The record for this is 9 minutes. I can't imagine anyone doing this is nine minutes. The Tree of Shame is at Deal's Gap and it is where motorcyclist hang the parts of their motorcycles when they wreck on the run. The leaves were gorgeous and we took advantage of several of the overlooks before and after the Dragon. We ate supper in Pidgeon Forge, went to the Smokey Mountain Knife place and headed to the house. It was the perfect day.....until my Alabama friend Mary called with some bad news about her health. If you follow my blog then you probably prayed for her during the summer. She was in the hospital from July to September....well...her cancer has metastasized to her spine. She will see an oncologist on Monday. What is it about me coming to the mountains during a break? My friend Trina said I was going to have to start working through breaks.
Satuday, October 22nd
We went to an auction today just outside of Roanoke. Before leaving town we stopped at Subway for the rest of the group to get supper....the Eagle Drug store had team logos painted on their windows and I thought they looked pretty cool. Love that team spirit. I spent a whopping $8.40 at the auction....and brought home many "gifts" from Marcie. I learned last night when someone gives you a gift you can't refuse I got a spotted bear lotion dispenser, a sparkly Santa Claus, a candle holder or two, and two spotted dog that Marcie. It was loads of fun even though some of the stuff was junk....who am I kidding....most it was....but the company made the evening a success. Can't wait for the next auction! See you next Sunday and I hope you have a great week!
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