Friday, April 23, 2010

My Friday's Fave 5

I was reading posts this morning and my dear friend Mary was doing a great neme called Fave 5.  I love Friday so I thought I would check it out and decided to play too.  The original post came from Living to Tell the Story.  It is a great blog so you need to check it out.  Thanks Mary for introducing me to it.  So just what are my five favorite things for today? 

1.  The fact that it is Friday.(and unofficially senior skip day).  When you are this close to the end of the year, senioritis has set in on the students, believe me teachers take cheer in whatever they can. 
2.  Did I mention the fact that it is Friday?  Oh yes, that was number one.  Number two would have to be this wonderful weather.  The only thing wrong with it is that I have been cooped up inside...and the nice weather is outside...and tomorrow...when I am is going to rain!  Still...I have enjoyed sitting on my porch this week after work...and just chilling and soaking in the warmth.
3.  Good friends - My birthday was on the 15th and I have gotten presents all week.  It has been better than Christmas.  Trina gave me a neat wind chime that is made out of wine bottles, I got a gift certificate from Silver to a neat Indian restaurant, I got a beatiful picture (spells out Korb) from my daughter (and it is going to be a blog post next week), I got a lovely silver bracelet from my friend Mary, a spa day from Amanda...I get to go to the Main Event...whooo hooo...., sun catchers from Kayla and Patsy....butterflies...a bracelet/scarf from Maelynn, wind chimes from Deb and Laurie...a Vera Bradley clutch from Cindy and Rita, a cross from Rhonda...and my favorite quote picture from Rita R.  Good friends Rock!
4.  Setting up the altar at the Arbor.  I love to design and set up the altar for the Arbor service.  It is so peaceful and most of the time I don't even cut the overhead lights on.  I just stand there with a little light streaming out from the closet is my time with God.
5.  The azaleas in bloom.  Nothing is prettier....unless it is the hydrangeas when it is their turn.  That is the one thing I am going to miss about this house when we move.  The azaleas are fabulous here.  I am so glad all the flowers in the world don't bloom at the same time.  Life would be so bland.  Happy Friday!

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