I actually wanted to skip this.
I’m not big on crafts or anything that can potentially make a huge mess. Mainly because I spend most of the day cleaning up messes so why in the world would I want to add to it?
But Tommy was aching to dye some eggs so I got a kit and promised that we’d do it.
Natalie naturally wanted to join in.
Only she didn’t quite get the concept.
First she tried to drink the dye. “Juice!” she said when I set the mug filled with colored water in front of her. Then she lifted it up and took a sip.
“Not to drink, not to drink!” I shrieked. “To dye…to dye the egg.”
“Okay,” Natalie said, grabbing an egg. I assumed she knew what she had to do.
I was wrong.
The little minx smashed the egg over the dye.
“I sorry,” she said.
Then she gave me a wide smile. Her famous you-can’t-get-mad-at-me smile.
Meanwhile, Tommy knew what he was doing.
He made an egg version of Carrot Top.
And several other eggs. Coincidentally, this is my reaction when someone shows me a bar of chocolate.
And this is my reaction in the morning before I’ve had my caffeine.
Same hair and everything.
Only mine is brown.
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