Dear Tom,
What is this?
No, seriously.
What IS it? Sometimes you think I’m joking when I ask you what things are (like when I asked you what a ratchet was) but I’m being serious. Where did it come from? Is it something important?
I’m worried because I found it underneath the dishwasher. Does it go to the dishwasher? Is the dishwasher dying? The dishwasher CAN’T die. If the dishwasher died I’d want to ball up in the middle of the kitchen and cry. So is it? Something from the dishwasher, I mean? Should I start the dishwasher and see if it works? But what if the piece IS from the dishwasher and water floods the kitchen? The kids would think it was cool (“sweet, an indoor pool!”) but I would not seeing as I’d have to clean UP the water.
Is the piece from the oven?
You know I don’t use THAT often (ha!) but still. I might decide to bake a cake someday instead of buying one from Wal-Mart.
Is it just one of your tool doohickeys? I know you don’t like it when I call your tools doohickeys but that’s what they all look like to me.
Please, let me know as soon as you can. Your wife is confused.
I love you,
To: Amber
From: Tom
Why did you go on and on about a wrench that is found in toys that I have to put together for the kids? It's probably from Natalie's bike. All you had to say is, “What is this?”
Have I mentioned that Tom likes things brief and to the point? He's not a fan of reading long winded e-mails.
Oh well.
He shouldn't have married me then.
And at least I figured out what doohickey was.
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