Thursday, December 10, 2009

Our Eighth Anniversary

Of course I didn't know what I was doing.

I was only nineteen.

But I did know that I wanted to marry Tom.

It wasn't just because my stomach was ballooned out in front of me. Yeah, I was seven months pregnant. But at first I had tried to convince Tom that he didn't have to marry me if he didn't want to.

"I can take care of things," I told him. I had already asked for paperwork on what I'd have to do to move into the family unit at the college I attended.

"Amber, we planned on getting married all along..." Tom reminded me. Yes. It was true. But not for another few years.

We did end up getting married on December 10th, 2001 in a tiny courthouse in Flagstaff Arizona. I wore black, not because I was in mourning over having to get married at such a young age--but because it was the only thing I had that still fit me. I carried a bouquet of plastic flowers. It was simple and yes, some would say terribly ghetto--but it was enough for me.

Fast forward eight years later. Tom and I are still married. Yes, we drive each other crazy. (I mean really, he's 27, he should not be leaving dirty socks all over the house. Tom wishes that I wasn't such a pack rat and fears we'll end up on the show Hoarders.) But we love each other and that's all that matters.

Tom and I decided to make each other cards this year.

Tom was all, "I'm allergic to crafts and shit."

But I convinced him.

And look what he made me:

He cut paper into a heart! This might not seem like a big deal but it's a huge deal for my husband, who makes gagging noises when a love scene comes on in movies.

A paper heart. Just for me.

And a necklace.

Okay, I picked the necklace out because sometimes when Tom walks into a jewelry store he immediately goes into a panic. The store worker will ask what he's looking for and he'll sputter, "I don't know! I really don't know!"

So it's just easier for me to pick what I want out.

I picked the necklace out because it says dream on it. I'm reminding myself to follow my dreams. That dream is to finish a novel and have it published.

I made Tom a card too.

And I got him a chocolate penguin because it made me laugh. How can you pass up a chocolate penguin named Willy Waddles? I'd like to know.

(Oh, and look at our anniversary cake. I couldn't pass out a cake with SANTA on the front.


This video I made sums up our relationship.

Happy Anniversary, Tom.

Pick up your socks. ;)

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