Monday, January 9, 2012

Triangles by Ellen Hopkins - PUBLIC ONLY

Hopkins, Ellen Triangles, pgs. 533. Atria Books, 2011. $26.00 Language- R (71 swear, 16 "F" words) Mature Content- R Holly, regrets her life as a stay at home mom. Now she decides to lose herself in a world of sex. Andrea, a single mom, watching Holly throw away what she has been dreaming about.. A commited relationship. What if Andrea picks up what Holly is throwing away? The Marissa. Dealing with a gay son, a terminally ill daughter, and a husband that chooses work over the fact of hard life. All facing their challenges, falling apart, coming together and learning the meaning of friendship, betrayal and forgiveness. Hopkins expresses her work in a unique poetic form that really gets her point across.         I really enjoy reading her novels and know that it is a great book as soon as I see her name. I would recommend her books! This book is rated R for strong language, sexual content, and drug use. PUBLIC ONLY Student Reviewer: CG

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