Thursday, January 5, 2012

Snowed Under and Other Christmas Confusions by Serge Bloch - ADVISABLE

Bloch, Serge. Snowed Under and Other Christmas Confusions. Sterling Children’s Books, 2011. $12.95. Content G- PICTURE BOOK. Oh Idioms, we love to use them and hate when we don’t understand what they mean. This book is full of Christmas and non-Christmas idioms. The illustrations are the literal translation of the idiom. Example: “that’s just the way the cookie crumbles” has a picture of a broken cookie and it’s crumbles. This book would be great for middle school kids and ELLs (English Language Learners) that have a pretty good grasp of the English Language. One downside is that it does not define the idioms so if you don’t know what “when pigs fly” means, you won’t after reading this book. MS, EL, EL (K-3) - ADVISABLE. Shauna, reading teacher.

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