Friday, January 6, 2012

Moonshadow: Rise of the Ninja by Simon Higgins - ADVISABLE

Higgins, Simon Moonshadow: Rise of the Ninja, 312 pgs. Little, Brown and Company, 2010. Language – G, Sexual Content – G; Violence – PG; Moonshadow is going on his first mission: steal some weapon plans from Silver Wolf. But just like everything else, there are complications. Moonshadow has to launch his attack a day before planned and there’s another spy trying to steal the plans! Moonshadow’s improvising was fun to read and the action scenes were amazing. I thought the first day of his mission went a little too smoothly, but it was all made up for later in the trouble that popped up. I’m looking forward to reading the next book of Moonshadow’s adventures—I need to know what comes next. MS – ADVISABLE. Student Reviewer: CCH

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