Thursday, January 5, 2012

Ice Claw by David Gilman - ADVISABLE

Gilman, David Ice Claw, 433 pgs. Delacorte Press, 2008. Language – PG (28 swear, “f”), Sexual Content – PG; Violence – PG; Max is in France for an extreme sports competition, but he doesn’t know how extreme his life is about to get. Again. Max gets wrapped up in two seemingly unrelated situations and has to figure them out. That’s what his dad would’ve done. Unfortunately, he doesn’t know who to trust or that he has a time limit. After reading The Devil’s Breath, I had high expectations for Ice Claw; they were exceeded. The action was more intense and I got even more into it after every page. Through the moments of despair and moments of triumph, I was right there with Max, Sayid, Bobby, or whoever else was there. I completely loved the plot twists and am anxiously looking forward to the next book. MS, HS – ADVISABLE. Student Reviewer: CCH

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