Monday, January 9, 2012

Havoc by Jeff Sampson - ADVISABLE

Sampson, Jeff Havoc, pgs. 352. Balzer & Bray, 2012. $17.99 Language PG (27 swears, 0 "f" words) Mature Content- PG Now that the guy that was trying to kill Emily is dead, she thinks everything will be normal again. But she is wrong, finding that the lurking shadowmen are still watching her. Emily and her packmates what to know the truth of why they were made and who made them. But the closer they get to finding everything out, the more that comes at them. They aren't the only ones with powers or special abilities. Now they have to uncover what the company has been hiding, and Emily has to make a tough choice... But it isn't over yet.     Left on the edge of my seat once more! This is the second book to Vesper and there has to be another one! I am excited to read the next book! MS - ADVISABLE Student Reviewer: CG

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