Thursday, March 14, 2013

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Taking Away TA From The Military

I’m sure most people know that tuition assistance has been stopped for the military for now. (It could come back after the fiscal year.) I don’t think the Navy has followed suit yet but people think it’s a matter of time.

It started with the Army and the Marines. My husband Tom was said, “Soon it’ll be the Air Force…”

And sure enough, it has happened.

I understand that there needs to be cutbacks. But do not punish our soldiers who are fighting for their country. Everyone always talks about boosting morale. How is taking away the chance to go to college going to do that? Yes, people can still go to college, don’t get me wrong. Yes there are grants that they could possibility get. But the tuition assistance helped a ton of our soldiers.

It amuses me that there are some people out there who are all, “The military gets enough as it is.” Uh, no, they don’t.

Nothing should ever be taken from our military members.

There are current rumblings about possibility taking away health care or changing it drastically.


I’m proud of my country. But I am not happy with our government at the moment. If they want happy soldiers, they should re-think their plan. Cut some things, yes. But not education.

There is currently a petition going around here if you wanted to sign it. Maybe it won’t do any good. But at least it’s something.

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