Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Inside Natalie's Closet

It’s no secret that I love to buy clothes for my kids.

So occasionally I’ll post an entry of them in their latest outfit.

The following is from Gymboree. They have something called Gymbuck Redemption so you can get half off everything.

Granted, I am not pleased with how they raised their prices. I get that companies need to make money and blah, blah, blah, but not many people are going to fork over $40 for a pair of jeans for their child.

I don’t even spend $40 on MY jeans!

I was able to get these clothes for a decent price, thanks to my Gymbucks.

First up is this adorable pink dress. Natalie picks out a lot of her clothes now. She had to have this:

She also had to have the giant pink bow.

“Remember when you used to run into the house to make me laugh?”

“And you smash-ted your head against the house?”

(Yes, I ran into the house for her. She loved it.)

“Do you have to pee, Natalie?”

“No. I’m pretending to be Dopey.” (A dwarf in Snow White..)

Natalie’s reaction after I explained that some kids don’t get McDonalds. At all. Ever.

Then she did an impression of a startled celebrity who just came out from a round of Botox:

*Outfit Change*

Yes, those are heels she’s wearing. She’s 4 and can walk better in heels than I can.

I can so walk in heels better than Mommy can…

I told her to pose like a model and she did this:

I suppose some models look like that when they are extra hungry. They’re probably thinking, “Dammit, I just want a cheeseburger..”

I asked her how I felt after I had chocolate:

Yup. That’s it.

Then she wanted to pose again:

Hi, I’m Lindsay Lohan and I’m above the law and don’t have to show up for court or pick up trash on the side of the road. Because I’m Lindsay Lohan. And I really need to go back to red hair because I look washed out and trashy with blond. (*Coughs* Take note Chelsea from Teen Mom 2..)

I didn’t forget Tommy. He’s in an outfit from Crazy8, a Gymboree clothing company.

To get him to look amused, all I have to do is talk about boogers or farts.

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