Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hodgepodge Vol. 24

Today is Wednesday and that means Joyce has come up with some perfectly wonderrful questions.  I love to do these and then go back and read everyone else's replies.  It is amazing how some are so very much like me....and other's.....not so much.
1. What is something that bothers you if its not done perfectly?  Right now....I can't think of a single thing.  My concept if it is done...and someone else does it....then I don't have to.  A year ago it would have been the Arbor chair set up......but one day I came to the realization....that those who set them up....were volunteers....and if anyone did not like how they did them....they should come do it themselves. 
2. What is one of your best childhood memories?  Ouch!  Just one?  I have so many wonderful memories that choosing one would be so I will do three short ones.  1.  One Saturday a month my dad would take me fishing...either just off the turnpike, to Lake Okeechobee, or shoreline fishing at the beach.  It really wasn't the fishing that was so was spending time with my father.  2.  My family also went for "rides" one day during the weekend.  My dad would never use a map and we just went riding down roads....while we were riding....we would be singing.  If we saw something interesting we would stop and check it out.  I have seen a lot of Florida this way.  3.  We also took mini vacays at Sanibel Island and Captiva.  I would go out in the water during low tide with my dad and we would collect shells and sand dollars.
3. Do you plan to watch the Royal Wedding and when was the last time you wore a hat?  I will catch snatches of it on the news after the fact.  I am not giving up sleep for it....not a chance.  I wore a hat the weekend Spring Break kicked off.  I was taking it on the vacation that wasn't and was trying it on.  I own several because I like them.  I have worn them for Still Magnolia shows from hats with big bows and lace to cowboy hats. When I am working outside I will wear a ball cap.

4. Where do you fall in the birth order in your family? Do you think this has influenced your personality?  I was the oldest until I was 8 and then I became the only.  The combination of all of that....did influence my personality....along with a ton of other things.  I have never been a true first child personality. I was a Type B personality child who had a mother who was a Mega A.  I was the peacemaker.  I hated waves or conflict being made. 
5. Where do you think you spend most of your money?  This one is easy.....Walmart!
6. When you need to confront someone would you rather communicate in person, by phone, by email or by letter? Why?  I have at any given time used them all....depending on the severity of the situation and where they are located at the time of said confrontation.  I know I should confront them in person....but it really throws me in a tail spin to confront someone.  I try and look at things and decide if it is going to matter in a a year before I jump on something.  I really HATE confrontations.
7. Dodgeball, freeze tag, kickball or jump rope? You have to pick one.  I  loved kickball.  I could kick high and run fast.
8. Joyce asked us to insert our own random thought here and since it is the end of April I was wondering what your favorite April moment would be?  Mine is easy....even though it was during a very sad time, my favorite moment was getting to spend some quality time with my special family and some very special friends.  Those moments don't happen often and when they is priceless!  Have a Happy Wednesday!

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